Bigfoot: Best Evidence

Bigfoot specialist and cryptozoologist Cliff Barackman explores the best evidence available for the existence of sasquatch as a real species. Barackman includes Indigenous artifacts, footprint casts, film and photo evidence, and more.

Cliff Barackman has been doing bigfoot field research since 1994. His expeditions have taken him to 46 states and five continents in search of evidence supporting the existence of undiscovered hominoids worldwide. As the evidence analyst on Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot,” Cliff has applied his skill and expertise to a variety of photographic, video, film, and sound evidence. He has appeared on many other television shows and documentaries as a bigfoot specialist and cryptozoologist.

Cliff is especially familiar with the footprint and handprint evidence for sasquatches, and he is the curator for one of the largest collections of cast evidence in the world. His collection includes impressions from North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. Cliff and his wife Melissa own and curate the North American Bigfoot Center in Boring, Oregon, which features the largest public collection of bigfoot evidence in the Pacific Northwest.

Besides his bigfoot interests, Cliff also is an accomplished guitarist. You can often find him quietly strumming on the porch of his rural property on the western slopes of Mount Hood, deep in the heart of sasquatch country.

What’s your take on this evidence?  Have you had an encounter?  Have you heard one in the woods?  Any tree knocks?  Tell us your experience and share your experiences.

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The most common description for Bigfoot or Sasquatch

The most common description for Bigfoot or Sasquatch is that it is a large, hairy, and human-like creature that walks on two legs and lives in the forests of North America. According to the web search results, Bigfoot is usually described as having the following features:

  • A height of about 6 to 9 feet (1.8 to 2.7 meters), but some reports claim it can be as tall as 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.6 meters)
  • A weight of about 400 to 800 pounds (180 to 360 kilograms), but some estimates go up to 1,000 pounds (450 kilograms) or more
  • A body covered in black, dark brown, or dark reddish hair or fur, but some sightings have reported white, gray, or blond hair
  • A broad chest, no visible neck, and long arms that reach below the knees
  • A face that is more human than ape, with a flat nose, a prominent brow ridge, and small eyes that may glow red or yellow at night
  • A foul smell that is described as skunk-like, rotten, or garbage-like
  • A vocalization that is either silent or a high-pitched scream, howl, or whistle


However, these descriptions are based on anecdotal evidence and have not been verified by science. Most scientists do not believe that Bigfoot exists and think that the sightings are either hoaxes, misidentifications, or folklore.

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The Ape Canyon Attack of 1924

The Ape Canyon attack was a reported incident in 1924, when a group of miners claimed they were attacked by several mysterious hominins, who tossed large rocks at their cabin all night. The miners said they shot at the creatures, and one of them fell into the canyon. The story became a sensation in the local media, and was later incorporated into the Bigfoot folklore. The history and origins of the Ape Canyon attack are unclear and controversial. Some possible explanations are:
  • The miners were hoaxing or exaggerating their story to gain publicity or money.
  • The miners mistook some local youths or pranksters for ape-like creatures.
  • The miners encountered some unknown or extinct species of hominins, such as Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus.
  • The miners had a paranormal or interdimensional experience with beings that transcended the physical realm.
  The Ape Canyon attack remains one of the most famous and frightening stories in the cryptozoological canon, and has inspired many books, documentaries, and investigations. However, the exact location of the cabin and the canyon are no longer known, and the evidence for the incident is scarce and unreliable. Therefore, the truth behind the Ape Canyon attack may never be fully revealed.

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