Bigfoot Sighting Distance Report

Please use this form to report any Bigfoot Sightings that you have Personally encountered. Please report the distance in feet.

The information you provide will be used in our analysis and for computing the information in our tables, graphs and research.  We will not divulge your personal information such as name or email address. 

NOTE:  Input ONLY the Information that you have, if some of the questions don’t pertain to you, just move to the next.

Each user will have the ability to Edit and UPDATE all of their personal reports from the My Sightings Reports TAB. 

Bigfoot Sighting Distance Report


If you do not use or know how to upload a video to YouTube we can help, just contact us and we will either do it for you or walk you through it.

Tree/Wood Knocking

Maximum file size: 516MB

Encounter Videos

If you do not use or know how to upload a video to YouTube we can help, just contact us and we will either do it for you or walk you through it.

Video File Upload - We will upload your file to YouTube and INSERT the Link for you.

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Encounter Pictures

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Description of Bigfoot (If you saw one)

The Encounter

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