Home Decorating the Frugal Way

To improve your home decor, you do not have to spend a lot of time or money. From a simple paint job to adding candles, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in which to live. The following are some fast and frugal ways to redecorate your home.

Painting — One of the main ways people tend to redecorate their homes is by painting. This is an inexpensive method to creating a whole new look. If painting your room is not something you want to do, consider adding a wall boarder or choosing a wallpaper to brighten up your room. These are all inexpensive ways you can change the décor of your home.

New Curtains — Another fast and frugal way to redecorate any room is with new curtains. Whether you are aiming for the sleek look or the country look, you’ll find a variety of styles and colors to choose from. Café curtains are a great way to let some light into your kitchen and for a new look in your living room, try something bright and cheerful. If you have the skills to sew, try new looks for the cost of fabric.

If you’re crafty, you can even try your hand at a new cover for your sofa to match your curtains. For those that do not have sewing skills, you’ll be able to find one-size-fits-all sofa covers in almost any department or home decorating store.

Candles — One of the most enjoyable ways for you to change or add to your decor is with the use of candles. Candles can be purchased in a variety of scents and colors that will add to the aroma, as well as the style of your home. Place them on tables and windowsills, as well as on the mantel and hearth.

Supermarket Smarts

We all have to eat, regardless of what the financial situation happens to be. When trying to reduce the amount of money you spend, you don’t have to sacrifice a lot in order to save money. Below are a few ways you can save at the grocery store.

Before you leave the house check your pantry and do a swift inventory so that you can see precisely what you need. Also, if you have some odd ingredient hanging out in the cupboard, you can purchase something to go with it while you are out.

Check weekly supermarket ads to see exactly what’s on sale. Combine that information with what is already in your cupboard, and you should be able to come up with some recipes for the week that integrate both.

When you see something on sale that you often buy, buy it. When you buy things that you would buy anyway on sale, you’re saving yourself plenty of cash in the future.

Do your best to avoid making small purchases at places such as convenience stores. These smaller stores usually charge more when it comes to their grocery goods.

When you make a grocery list, stick to it. Do your best to avoid impulse buys.

Red meat can be very pricey. If you’re looking for ways to get your protein without spending a whole lot, your best bet is to go for poultry, tuna, peanut butter, and eggs as an alternative.

When buying poultry, go for the whole chicken instead of breast meat. They are a much cheaper way of getting chicken.

When you see something advertised as a sale, be sure that it is in fact a deal. Compare the product to comparable products in the area to decide whether or not you’ll be saving money by buying the sale item.

Low-Cost Frugal Vacations

What makes a perfect family vacation?

That depends on your family; what they like to do, where they like to go, the ages of your children, even your parenting style. But most families will agree that a perfect vacation needs to be relaxing and fun with something for everyone. There is a seemingly endless list of resorts in the United States that fit that description. But for many parents, there is one more essential aspect of the perfect family vacation. It needs to be affordable.

One of the most fun and inexpensive vacations is camping.

Yes, you could spend a fortune on supplies, but why not plan a survival camping trip? You can find nearly free campsites at most National parks. Fish for your meals or collect berries and other plants.

If you want to really make this an experience, do some research and have everyone pitch in to create your own shelter, make fishing poles and other cooking items. Study books on what plants are edible and go on treks to find them.

Another idea is to study pioneers or Native Americans and make this an experience of trying to spend a few days as they did.

Vacations can be both fun and educational. You could also take day trips to tour historical landmarks. You can peruse brochures and set up your own family tour, rather than joining an organized one. Pack a lunch and picnic on the field where the Battle of Gettysburg was fought or on the banks of the Delaware River.

Once you start looking, you will start to get ideas from every direction.

Packed lunches and the cost of gas and you can have a day that will live in your memory and the memories of your kids for years to come. Where will you spend your next vacation?