3 Motivation Strategies Not Many People Know About

Feeling unmotivated? There are plenty of ways you can motivate yourself to finish your tasks for the day, tasks that will help you get closer to whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. Here are 3 motivation strategies that not many people actually know about.

Reflect On Your Achievements

When you start running out of ideas, or you start feeling like you’re not making any progress at all towards your goals, you can try looking back at your achievements.

Remember how far you’ve come, all the milestones you’ve achieved to date, and you’ll see that everything you’ve done so far has not been wasted.
Start a journal, write down your thoughts and your feelings. You can also use it to chart your progress.

When you’ve got concrete proof in front of you that you’ve made significant steps towards your goals, you’ll feel so much better.

You’ll feel motivated to continue doing your work and to improve yourself as well.

Learn From Others

If you look up to somebody, you can use them as motivation to continue improving yourself. This is especially true if that somebody has found success in life. You’ll learn a lot from them.

You don’t even have to know them in person. You can read news articles and books about them. Learn their background – do they have a special story to tell? Let them inspire you.

You can also start following them on social media, if they’re on there. Many successful people use social media nowadays, and they strive to provide plenty of value to their followers.

Mentor Other People

Teaching other people what you know will also motivate you to become a much better person. Other people are looking up to you, you don’t want to fail them.
You want to show them that you’re capable of being a good mentor. It will help build your self-confidence and your self-esteem.

I’m sure you’ve had a favorite teacher or mentor in school – what did they do to make them stand out from the other teachers?

I’m willing to bet it’s because they taught you a lot about different subjects, maybe about life in general. You can do the same to your mentee(s) – show them you genuinely care for them, it will motivate them to learn. Their motivation will rub off on you – so it’s really a win-win situation.


How To Love Yourself More When You Worry About What Others Think

How do you feel about the concept of self love? Some will think that this is narcissistic and a very selfish act. But the truth is that it isn’t. What self love really is about is having a high opinion of yourself and be able to feel happy whenever you want.

If you worry about what other people think about you too much you can become overly dependent on them to give you permission to be happy. This is not where you want to be. In this situation you have very little self love and can only be happy when others tell you that you have done something right or that you deserve it.

It is important that you work on your self love so that you can be more independent from others. There is an old saying along the lines of “you need to love yourself first before you can truly love someone else”. This is very true so in this article we will give you some powerful techniques to improve your self love.

Change your Beliefs

If you are letting other people control your life then you will probably have beliefs that are driving you to do this. Each time that you act on these beliefs you will strengthen them. The good news is that you can change these beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs that will increase your self love and your independence.

This all starts by identifying the beliefs that are causing the dependency. Get a pen and paper and write down the thoughts that you have which drive you to require approval from others all of the time. Once you have established these beliefs you can use techniques to slowly eradicate them and replace them with more positive beliefs.

Create Empowering Affirmations

If you don’t use positive affirmations then it is time to start today. Write a list of positive things about yourself so that you can say them out loud or in your head at least once a day. Imagine if someone was complimenting you. What would they say?

Write all of these down and create an affirmations list. You will need to carry these around with you all of the time because they can be a great way to give you a self love boost if you are feeling down. We recommend that you read your affirmations twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

Neutralize Negative Self Talk

Do you experience a lot of negative thoughts about yourself on a regular basis? We all have self talk going on in our heads and if this is largely negative then your self love will be down in the dumps. You need to take control of these negative self thoughts in order to improve your self love.

Each time you experience a negative thought neutralize it with a positive one. So for example if the thought is “you cannot make a decision for yourself” neutralize this with “I am a powerful decision maker and always make the best decisions”.

Show Gratitude Regularly

How grateful are you for the things that you have in your life? We are not just talking about possessions here but other things such as the love of your family and your health. Start being grateful each day for what you have.

Write down each day three things that you are grateful for and read them and think about how they make you feel. It doesn’t matter what these things are. You could be grateful for that mundane job that puts food on your table. Or just be grateful for being alive another day.

Can Comparing Yourself To Others Be Good For You?

The answer to this is a resounding “Yes” if you do this in the right way. What most people tend to do is compare themselves to others as some form of validation for themselves or because of envy or some other negative emotion.

The secret to comparing yourself to others for your benefit is to do it on the premise that you want to improve yourself. You want to achieve a specific goal and another person has already achieved this goal so you can learn from them and then use similar strategies in your own life.

You must have the right Intent

Having the right intent for comparing yourself to another person is critical. What we do not recommend you do is compare yourself to someone else that you know is not as good as you in a specific area so that you can give your ego a boost. Avoid this kind of “self validation”.

You may get a temporary ego boost from a self validation comparison but this can backfire on you very badly. If you don’t know the person that you are comparing to very well then you have no idea what they are capable of. If you challenge them and they end up being better than you at your specialty then this can destroy your self esteem.

Think about why you want to make the comparison. Let’s say that you want to be a successful business manager and there is a manager in your office who always seems to make the right decisions and has the level of confidence that you want to achieve.

You want to find out how they got to their position and how they maintain their confidence. This is specific intent and you are in the right frame of mind to make the comparison. You are not jealous that this person is a manager and you are not. It is all about learning from the person so that you can improve your life.

Consume other relevant information

The person in your office is not the only good business manager out there. Many have written books and some have their own blog. These days it is easier than it ever has been before to get the information that you need.

Once you have decided that you want to be a top notch business manager consume everything that you can about the subject and keep looking for new material. Modeling the business manager you know is a good step forward but you can always do more.

If you are not a fan of reading then go to YouTube and find relevant videos there. You will be sure to find what you are looking for. Also look for forums on your subject and join them and participate. Ask questions and most people will be happy to help.

Be careful of your Self View

You have a view about yourself that you formed over many years. This self view tells you that you things like you are smart, good looking, talented and so on. We all need this self view because it defines how you see the world around you and helps you to figure everything out.

The problem is that if you believe something in your self view and something challenges this then there is conflict. So if you believe that you know a lot about business and someone tells you that you need to learn more about business then this is difficult to take. Relax your self view and take on board any constructive criticisms.