Teddy Bear Birthday Party Theme

What little girl or boy doesn’t have a special spot in her heart for her favorite teddy bear? I know our little angel calls her teddy bear her best friend and loves this bear more than life itself. It has been her constant companion since she was the ripe old age of six weeks old and has calmed her through hurt feelings, nightmares, and new houses, as well as fights with her brother and scolds from mom and dad. Her teddy bear is her friend, protector, defender, and confident. For this reason it should come as no surprise that a favorite birthday party idea for our little girl was a birthday in which bears reigned supreme.

The first thought that many have when it comes to Teddy Bears and a birthday party with Teddy, as its main theme is probably the Build a Bear Workshop or other similar businesses. While these are great for parties and give each girl attending a little something to take home with her, they are also quite expensive. If you want to spend a little less there are plenty of options. If you want to make all of her friends want you as parents, the Build a Bear party plan really is grand. Keep in mind though that if you think she’s going to abandon her lifelong companion (unfluffed and coming unstuffed teddy bear numero uno) for the Build a Bear bear think again. She will just now have two bears sharing her nighttime cuddles trust me on this.

Another great thought for teddy bear parties is of a slumber or pajama party with teddy bears having a place of honor with each and every one of the very important guests. Teddy bears and other stuffed animals are often security blankets of sorts for young girls in stressful situations or that are away from home. They help smooth the transition and make the night go better despite the fact that some girls are ashamed of their need for their fluffy friends. By inviting your guests and their favorite teddy bear or sleepy time companion you are inviting them to bring their security and a touch of home along with them. This will help calm scared children and make a night away from home less frightening.

A Teddy Bear tea party is another great way to go. Teddy bears share everything with their human companions; it makes perfect sense that they will also share teatime. You should decorate this tea as any other tea with flowers, the tea set, and have a seat for teddy bear next to every little girl in attendence. If you want to be extremely fancy you can have place cards to assign seating for bears and girls along with gloves and hats for the girls to wear during the festivities. Food should be finger food such as teacakes and cookies, finger sandwiches, and punch in teacups of course. You will want to take photos of these girls in their Sunday best having tea with their best friends and send them home in keepsake frames. This will be a party to remember and a lot of fun for the kids and parents. Just remember to wipe the crumbs from Teddy’s face so that he is ready for his close-up and have a world of fun.

Laser Tag Birthday Party

As far as birthday bashes go, laser tag arenas are taking the birthday industry by storm. Gone are the days when only little boys are interested this is a game that anyone, no matter how big or small can have a great time exploring and makes for an interesting and entertaining birthday party idea. If you have a laser tag arena in your neck of the woods it is very well worth checking out as the perfect location for your next birthday party event.

The great thing about most laser tag arenas is that you do not have to sacrifice the idea of a themed birthday party or gathering in order to incorporate the laser tag action into the party. There are plenty of themed parties that work wonderfully right alongside the action packed time that can be spent enjoying life on the laser tag floor.

Now there are plenty of themes you can bring to the laser tag table with you, but my personal favorite is that of a spy mission or secret agent. Most arenas will be happy to play along to your party needs if you are booking with them and let them know far enough ahead of time to make the proper preparations (provided they are reasonable and age appropriate of course). Check and see if they may have a few ‘secret agent missions, that they can incorporate into the festivities and make the decorations, cakes, and plates fit with the secret agent theme. You could also have everyone dressed in black from head to foot to pull off the theme even better.

Army men are still fascinating to boys of all ages. Whether the birthday boy in your live is 10 or 25 chances are quite good that he would not turn his bag on the idea of a camouflage birthday cake or dressing in his favorite camo for a rousing game of laser tag. It is quite easy at the moment to find all manner of camouflage plates, napkins, and party favors that will accommodate the army greens and be an excellent addition to the party (I wonder if you hide the cake on camo plates if the calories will still count?).

Kim Possible is all the rage on Disney these days and proves that girls can be spies too. If you have a girl that is interested in laser tag there is really no reason whatsoever that she should not have her birthday celebration at your local laser tag center. Girls definitely like to play with these toys too and might just prove to be superior in battle when all is said and done.

If you are interested in a theme that is out of this world for your laser tag festivities, there is no reason not to pursue a space aged them with your laser tag maneuverings. A birthday party is supposed to be fun and you can pretty much do what you want in a venue such as this without the mess and after party clean up. Have fun and choose a theme that the birthday boy or girl will enjoy and appreciate.

When it comes to a laser tag birthday party you need to book early and make sure you have all the information you need when booking in order to ensure that you will have the space you need when you want it. Check with policies on cake and/or other outside food as it may vary from one arena to the next. Be sure to check out food offerings there, as many will have a fairly decent selection of snacks for your partiers if that is your preference. The most important thing is that everyone involved has a great time. Sit back and enjoy the party while your guys and girls fight it out in the arena. Of course, if you are really brave you can venture into the fray. You might find a hidden talent and a happy birthday boy or girl.

A Pirate of a Birthday Party

Pirates have for a very long time been a source of great fascination for children. This is why a pirate themed birthday party can be one of the most interesting and entertaining party ideas on the planet if you are willing to pay careful time and attention to the planning process. There are things you will need, of course, in order to pull the pirate’s party off without a hitch and the most important is a lot of patience and the ability to organize well, plan for contingencies, and be flexible when the big event finally arrives. If you can do all these things with style and grace then a pirate’s life really may be for ye.

Set the stage with the invitations. A great idea to use for the invites is a pirate’s map. Let “X” mark the spot, give the date and time and remind everyone to dress in their pirate’s best (make a costume contest a part of the festivities). This lets everyone know the theme ahead of time as well as the fact that they should show up dressed for the occasion. I suggest making a cute rhyme in a pirate’s voice to go along with the invitation. Something like

Ho ho hum and a bottle of rum
Our good lad “name” turns nine
So come ye to the Weatherly’s
And have a mighty fine time.

For decorations you will want to make the party room or the exterior of the house, wherever you are actually having the party look as much like a pirate’s ship as possible. It really is best if this sort of party can be had outdoors in order to provide great places for burying treasure and hiding stuff. If that isn’t possible however, you’ll just have to get creative inside the home.

Party games for a good pirate party are almost limitless. You can begin by handing a clue and explaining that there is a treasure map that has been divided into four pieces. The first clue will take you to the first piece, which will then have another clue that will lead you to the next piece until you find all four pieces. This buys a little time for getting things ready for snacks, cake, ice cream or other adventures that may occur later and gives the kids an objective.

Once they have all the pieces you can tell the story of the lost treasure and then allow the kids to go on a massive hunt for the treasure.

You could of course have teams with two different treasure chests if you want to make it a competition or race though both teams will win their treasure in the end. You could also, for younger kids, have a nice rousing game of pin the peg – leg on the pirate or a game of walking the plank if you have a swimming pool and are certain everyone can swim (though swim trunks are highly encouraged for this rather than pirate’s costumes) and there is an adult waiting at the bottom just in case.

Whether or not it’s a pirate’s life for you, chances are quite good that throwing an excellent pirate themed birthday bash will make you the mom of your little one’s dreams – at least for a day and will give the neighborhood and, of course, all your guests something to talk about until the next great event takes place.