Halloween with Bigfoot Sasquatch Edition

Halloween with Bigfoot Sasquatch Edition

Celebrate that goolish night with some unique Bigfoot Decor

Bigfoot Halloween Items

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Put on a Play

Kids love to dress-up in costumes or other articles of clothing that aren’t their own. Instead of putting away the Halloween costumes each year, leave them out in a play chest to be used year-round.

Whether you have lots of Halloween costumes or old clothes that you don’t wear anymore instead of getting rid of them let your kids have them. You will be amazed and pleasantly surprised at the imaginative play that will result from playing dress-up. Encourage them to get dressed-up and to put on a play in their costumes. Invite the neighborhood kids over to participate or just watch the show.

Props are great too, let the kids go around the house (with the rule that it will all be put away) to collect things they need for a play. A curtain and stage aren’t necessary, but if you can find a way to improvise for either it will add to the excitement and sense of pride the children will have for their production.

You can get involved too. Let your children direct you on what you need to say or do during the play. Get into the role and have fun, don’t worry who is watching or that you can’t act your kids will be thrilled that you are joining in the fun.

The play may change each time, or the same play may be acted out again and again. Consider videoing the efforts for future enjoyment or add the video to a time capsule to be opened in 5-10 years from now. Just keep in mind that the type of tape or disc you are using may be obsolete by the time you open the time capsule. Or transcribe the play and write out the script to add to the time capsule, maybe your grandchildren will use it in the future.