Patterson-Gimlin Film – Frame 352 Enhanced Face Picture

The Picture Section  shows various aspects of Bigfoot, to include sightings, footprints and other evidence. Resourced on the internet and by users.

Patterson-Gimlin Film – Frame 352 Enhanced Face Picture – Side by Side comparison showing facial features on the Bigfoot.

With the enhancement you can definitely see distinctive facial features to include the eyes, nose cheeks and mouth.

What are your thoughts or observations on this comparison?

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Frame 352 of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film

The Picture Section  shows various aspects of Bigfoot, to include sightings, footprints and other evidence. Resourced on the internet and by users.

This is frame 352 of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film, which allegedly depicts a Sasquatch walking in Northern California.

What are your thoughts on this sighting, Real?  Fake?  Undetermined?

Gimlin Patterson Bigfoot Enhanced Picture
Gimlin Patterson Bigfoot Enhanced Picture

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