Being Frugal Begins with Attitude

When it comes to saving money, it doesn’t have to be all work. It can also be a little fun. I know that living frugally brings to mind all sorts of unpleasant things to many people. But those that live frugally often have a zealous approach to frugal ideas. They are actually excited by the idea of saving a little money. And it doesn’t matter how little it really is.

Frugal living becomes a game you play against yourself. You are looking for ways to save. I started out simply looking to see if I could really lower our electric bill. And I did with very little effort. Then I looked to our heating costs. Hey, I did it again. Then I looked to our driving expenses.

Frugal living isn’t something that is painless on a family when you take the attitude that you must do it. It is like cleaning house. It is something that has to be done. You can either make it a good experience or a bad one. With the wrong attitude you will probably fail.

Consider frugal living as a challenge. And the best thing is that you are improving more than just your financial situation. Many financial counselors and advisors say that when people gain control of their money, they gain control of their lives. That is because self-control bleeds over into other things. You simply begin to look at things differently.

Whether you are looking to a frugal life out of need or out of a shrewd money management plan, begin by simply tackling one area of your expenses. Then move on to another. Over time, you will find that your attitude changes and you look at things differently. And you start seeing that you can save money (to spend on things that really matter) without much exertion at all.

And that’s the best thing about the frugal challenge — you save money.

Home Decorating the Frugal Way

To improve your home decor, you do not have to spend a lot of time or money. From a simple paint job to adding candles, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in which to live. The following are some fast and frugal ways to redecorate your home.

Painting — One of the main ways people tend to redecorate their homes is by painting. This is an inexpensive method to creating a whole new look. If painting your room is not something you want to do, consider adding a wall boarder or choosing a wallpaper to brighten up your room. These are all inexpensive ways you can change the décor of your home.

New Curtains — Another fast and frugal way to redecorate any room is with new curtains. Whether you are aiming for the sleek look or the country look, you’ll find a variety of styles and colors to choose from. Café curtains are a great way to let some light into your kitchen and for a new look in your living room, try something bright and cheerful. If you have the skills to sew, try new looks for the cost of fabric.

If you’re crafty, you can even try your hand at a new cover for your sofa to match your curtains. For those that do not have sewing skills, you’ll be able to find one-size-fits-all sofa covers in almost any department or home decorating store.

Candles — One of the most enjoyable ways for you to change or add to your decor is with the use of candles. Candles can be purchased in a variety of scents and colors that will add to the aroma, as well as the style of your home. Place them on tables and windowsills, as well as on the mantel and hearth.

Low or No-Cost Gift Ideas

It doesn’t have to cost anything in the way of money to give a loving gift. Try one of these frugal gifts and see how thrilled your recipient is.


* Print them off a handmade coupon for a back massage.
* Cook a special dinner for a friend or loved one.
* Give someone a special a day of pampering.
* Write a poem or a quote in honor of someone’s birthday.
* Create a drawing or painting that has special meaning.
* Make them a piece of jewelry out of seashells or pinecones.
*Print off information on a topic of interest to someone.
* Pass along a family heirloom or something that has sentimental value.
*Surprise someone with a picnic using food that you already have on hand.
* Make cookies or fudge and wrap them in tissue paper.
*Send an e-mail that lists out the reasons why they are special or why you love them.
*Give them an old photograph that has been tucked away for some time.
*Create a hobby scrapbook with images, articles and tidbits about their favorite activity.
*Give them a seedling to grow using one of your own plants.
*Find a funky shaped rock and write a story about what it reminds you of.
* Sew together pieces of old clothing for a truly unique table runner.
* Create a gift voucher for one hour of doing whatever they want.
* Weed their garden for them or rake their lawn.
* Decorate a household utensil with craft items you have on hand.
* Give them a hug.
* Give them a kiss.

Don’t be embarrassed if you are a little short on cash or if you want to try one of these free gift ideas. The best gifts really do come from the heart.