Teddy Bear Birthday Party Theme

What little girl or boy doesn’t have a special spot in her heart for her favorite teddy bear? I know our little angel calls her teddy bear her best friend and loves this bear more than life itself. It has been her constant companion since she was the ripe old age of six weeks old and has calmed her through hurt feelings, nightmares, and new houses, as well as fights with her brother and scolds from mom and dad. Her teddy bear is her friend, protector, defender, and confident. For this reason it should come as no surprise that a favorite birthday party idea for our little girl was a birthday in which bears reigned supreme.

The first thought that many have when it comes to Teddy Bears and a birthday party with Teddy, as its main theme is probably the Build a Bear Workshop or other similar businesses. While these are great for parties and give each girl attending a little something to take home with her, they are also quite expensive. If you want to spend a little less there are plenty of options. If you want to make all of her friends want you as parents, the Build a Bear party plan really is grand. Keep in mind though that if you think she’s going to abandon her lifelong companion (unfluffed and coming unstuffed teddy bear numero uno) for the Build a Bear bear think again. She will just now have two bears sharing her nighttime cuddles trust me on this.

Another great thought for teddy bear parties is of a slumber or pajama party with teddy bears having a place of honor with each and every one of the very important guests. Teddy bears and other stuffed animals are often security blankets of sorts for young girls in stressful situations or that are away from home. They help smooth the transition and make the night go better despite the fact that some girls are ashamed of their need for their fluffy friends. By inviting your guests and their favorite teddy bear or sleepy time companion you are inviting them to bring their security and a touch of home along with them. This will help calm scared children and make a night away from home less frightening.

A Teddy Bear tea party is another great way to go. Teddy bears share everything with their human companions; it makes perfect sense that they will also share teatime. You should decorate this tea as any other tea with flowers, the tea set, and have a seat for teddy bear next to every little girl in attendence. If you want to be extremely fancy you can have place cards to assign seating for bears and girls along with gloves and hats for the girls to wear during the festivities. Food should be finger food such as teacakes and cookies, finger sandwiches, and punch in teacups of course. You will want to take photos of these girls in their Sunday best having tea with their best friends and send them home in keepsake frames. This will be a party to remember and a lot of fun for the kids and parents. Just remember to wipe the crumbs from Teddy’s face so that he is ready for his close-up and have a world of fun.

Train Birthday Party for the Little Ones

Boys and girls of all ages have a deep and abiding love of trains. From Thomas the Tank to The Little Engine that Could, trains make an excellent theme for a birthday party for your favorite youngster. The great news is that there are plenty of great party favors and decorations on the market to make your train theme carry through all aspects of the birthday party.

You can purchase invitations that are shaped like a train and appropriate for the specific train theme you have in mind. Even old-fashioned steam engines make a fascinating setting and theme for little ones who are filled with imagination. You do not need to go overboard on the decorations for a train themed party in order to get the theme apart but there are some great goody bags that can be made in keeping with the theme.

A train piñata is a great way to get the kids in on the action and having a great time. You may also choose to have all the little ones dress up as a train engineer for a little interactive fun with your train birthday party idea. You can also choose to play a DVD of your favorite train story for the entertainment of the little ones and in hopes of a little bit of quiet time before the sugar induced highs of after cake time.

Speaking of cake, there are plenty of cake forms and cake themes that are ideal for train cakes and children’s birthday parties. From the popular character cakes that are related to trains to other train themes such as The Polar Express there are plenty from which to choose when it comes to the perfect birthday cake for your train themed party. A little cake with a little ice cream and it will soon be time to take a whack at the train themed piñata mentioned earlier.

Most party supply stores should have an abundance of train themed party supplies. From hats to plates, cups, and napkins there should be plenty of wonderful party supplies to help you convey the train theme of the party with little additional efforts unless, of course, streamers and other party supplies are needed. Your little ones are very special after all and as parents we all want to do our very best to insure that each party is a special memory fit for a lifetime.

Goody bags are becoming a more and more important part of birthday parties in modern society. The train themed birthday party lends itself to plenty of train themed goody bag fillers. Among those wonderful items are coloring books, storybooks, puzzles, train whistles (their parents will love you and it is the perfect revenge for the air horn your child came home with), and stickers. This is a great way for your child to give back to those who have given him or her gifts while providing something appropriate to the theme for everyone to remember this particular party by.

If you are looking for a little something extra for your child’s train themed birthday party, you might want to talk to local train companies and see if there is a train museum near by or if you can possibly book a train car or a room at the train depot in which to host the party. This will create a very special memory for your little one and everyone that attended the party.

Some trains actually run day trips that last a couple of hours. This will be a thrilling party experience for your little one’s friends if you can manage this great escape of a train themed birthday party. You may also talk to those in charge at the train station for ideas and suggestions they may have to make your child’s special day a little more thrilling. Just remember that after a party like this, next year will be a hard act to follow.