How To Experiment Your Way To Success

Just because you’ve planned your goals right down to the last detail doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment and see what else works. Maybe what you’ve envisioned during the planning stage isn’t going to work in real life, so you look around for alternatives. But you don’t know which of the available options you’ve found is going to be a good fit for your business or life goals.

So, what do you do then?

You experiment.

Successful people have all experimented their way to success. If one method’s not working, they use another one. They don’t shut their brains down and surrender if one method’s not working.

Let’s use driving as an example:

You’re trying to get to a city 1,000 miles away and you’ve got your entire trip mapped out. You’ve got a good old-fashioned map with you, or maybe an app on your phone. Along the way, you discover the map is not updated, and the roads are blocked for some reason. You don’t know which way to go and there’s nobody else there.

So you drive around, you explore until you find the correct road that’s going to take you back to the highway and get you closer to your destination!

See, that wasn’t so bad. If you’ve got plenty of gas (your motivation), you can pretty much go anywhere you like. You can always gas up when you’re running low so you can continue your journey.

Another benefit of experimentation is that you can have fun, and you learn something new. Going with the previous example, you learn new roads, you learn which road is going to take you to where you want to go. That’s new knowledge for you.

You may have planned for the journey, but it’s almost always never going to go according to plan. Just enjoy the process. You’re in control of your journey – you’re sitting in the driver’s seat. Don’t let anybody else dictate where you’re going to go.

You can ask for help when you get lost, and you can take their advice, or you can explore the back roads and learn as much as you can about the location and your ultimate destination.

And that’s it! That’s basically how you experiment your way to success!