Laser Tag Birthday Party

As far as birthday bashes go, laser tag arenas are taking the birthday industry by storm. Gone are the days when only little boys are interested this is a game that anyone, no matter how big or small can have a great time exploring and makes for an interesting and entertaining birthday party idea. If you have a laser tag arena in your neck of the woods it is very well worth checking out as the perfect location for your next birthday party event.

The great thing about most laser tag arenas is that you do not have to sacrifice the idea of a themed birthday party or gathering in order to incorporate the laser tag action into the party. There are plenty of themed parties that work wonderfully right alongside the action packed time that can be spent enjoying life on the laser tag floor.

Now there are plenty of themes you can bring to the laser tag table with you, but my personal favorite is that of a spy mission or secret agent. Most arenas will be happy to play along to your party needs if you are booking with them and let them know far enough ahead of time to make the proper preparations (provided they are reasonable and age appropriate of course). Check and see if they may have a few ‘secret agent missions, that they can incorporate into the festivities and make the decorations, cakes, and plates fit with the secret agent theme. You could also have everyone dressed in black from head to foot to pull off the theme even better.

Army men are still fascinating to boys of all ages. Whether the birthday boy in your live is 10 or 25 chances are quite good that he would not turn his bag on the idea of a camouflage birthday cake or dressing in his favorite camo for a rousing game of laser tag. It is quite easy at the moment to find all manner of camouflage plates, napkins, and party favors that will accommodate the army greens and be an excellent addition to the party (I wonder if you hide the cake on camo plates if the calories will still count?).

Kim Possible is all the rage on Disney these days and proves that girls can be spies too. If you have a girl that is interested in laser tag there is really no reason whatsoever that she should not have her birthday celebration at your local laser tag center. Girls definitely like to play with these toys too and might just prove to be superior in battle when all is said and done.

If you are interested in a theme that is out of this world for your laser tag festivities, there is no reason not to pursue a space aged them with your laser tag maneuverings. A birthday party is supposed to be fun and you can pretty much do what you want in a venue such as this without the mess and after party clean up. Have fun and choose a theme that the birthday boy or girl will enjoy and appreciate.

When it comes to a laser tag birthday party you need to book early and make sure you have all the information you need when booking in order to ensure that you will have the space you need when you want it. Check with policies on cake and/or other outside food as it may vary from one arena to the next. Be sure to check out food offerings there, as many will have a fairly decent selection of snacks for your partiers if that is your preference. The most important thing is that everyone involved has a great time. Sit back and enjoy the party while your guys and girls fight it out in the arena. Of course, if you are really brave you can venture into the fray. You might find a hidden talent and a happy birthday boy or girl.

Star Wars Birthday Party

Even though there hasn’t been a recent film release, Star Wars remains a popular favorite among fans new and old. Kids of all ages from 2 to 52 find the world that was created by Star Wars creator George Lucas to be an infinitely fascinating world in which to allow their imagination and fantasies to take flight in that galaxy far, far away. If your special birthday girl or boy is a fan of these films this is the can’t miss party theme to add to your perfect birthday party list.

There are many ways you can go that will bring the theme to light in a way that allows everyone to have fun. First of all, you could have a classic Star Wars event with the original Episodes (IV, V, and VI) showing one after the other throughout the party. This is perfect for an overnight or all day sort of party as it allows breaks in between the showings and plenty of time to incorporate some serious snack making or pizza ordering without interfering with the DVDs being played in the back ground.

If you want to take things a step further you can also have your guests come dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters from all six films. If you are truly adventurous you can do a back-to-back showing of all six films though this makes for a very long weekend sort of event. Perfect if your birthday falls on around a 3-day weekend such as Labor Day or Memorial Day. Otherwise it’s a great idea but you may want to break it up into two years’ worth of celebrations.

If you are friends or your child’s friends are a creative bunch you can have a session where guests speculate and create tall tales about what happens between Episodes III and IV as well as what happens to favorite characters after Episode VI. This is a lot of fun and creates a sort of role-playing atmosphere for the party that can be a huge amount of fun.

If this isn’t enough activity and you want a little something to wear the kids (big or small) out you might want to invite your guests to a Jedi training academy of sorts. Set up an obstacle course for everyone to follow and a series of exercises similar to what Luke went through in The Empire Strikes Back. The winner can get some Star Wars themed award for giggles and a little added entertainment.

Most bakeries are likely to have a great form cake on hand or in inventory for Star Wars because the theme remains so popular. If not however. There are great cake ideas online that work beautifully for a Star Wars theme with home made birthday cakes. It’s really great if you can try one of these because it will be something a little different from what everyone else who does a Star Wars themed party will have. Of course you could always go with a background of stars and the original Star Wars logo painted in yellow. Simple and yet completely appropriate.

If a Star Wars themed birthday party is anywhere on your wish list for your birthday or your child or significant other’s birthday by all means make your best effort to make this a fun and memorable event. May the Force be with you.

Camping Birthday Party Ideas

While girls dream of parties with “jammies” and pillow fights little boys often dream of sleepovers that are held beneath the stars. (Girls do also)There are many ways this can be incorporated into a birthday theme for your little man’s big day. No matter what age, there is something that boys find fascinating about sleeping in the great outdoors and a camping birthday party is a great way to do this, even if the great outdoors go no further than your own back yard.

A favorite theme among those holding camping birthday parties is that of a trail ride. With this you can bring your gear along with you, ride horses, cook, eat, and sleep under the stars. If you don’t have a trail ride, horses, or long trails in the wilderness nearby don’t despair. With a Dutch oven, an open fire, a few sticks, and little bit of imagination you can have your very own cowboy camp out birthday bash celebration. Don’t forget the fixin’s for some s’mores while you’re making plans and be sure to have a camera handy as you create an unforgettably fun birthday bash and camping party for that special guy in your life. Be sure to include a few tall tales to share around the campfire. Now might be a great time to brush up on your Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill stories.

A military camping birthday party is another great camping party idea. Right now, boys need good solid heroes, and the military is a great place to find them. If you have friends or family that are serving overseas this might be a great way to help your little guy bring them closer to home for an evening and could be the best birthday memory he’ll ever have. Set up pup tents, visit your local military supply or surplus store for MREs (meals ready to eat), have everyone wearing their favorite camouflage, and have an army green face painting contest before bed time.

A safari camping theme is another great theme for a terrific camping birthday party. Begin by having everyone dress appropriately for a day underneath the hot African sun, khakis, and an appropriate hat work well. Create a safari pack (goody bag) for all the kids including really chip binoculars, a net for catching stray bugs (really great for lightening bugs at night), safari themed stickers, and a picture frame that is worthy of a fearless safari adventurer (you’ll definitely want to send them home with photos of their safari attire). Set up camp for the evening and serve animal crackers for dessert. You can populate the tent with stuffed animals of favorite safari animals and supplement the adventure with a trip to the zoo for even grander effect and more fun.

If none of these are getting you very excited, you could always go with a Rocky Mountain sort of theme for your camping birthday party. Be sure to have plenty of stuffed black bears and have everyone wear red flannel and denim. This is a great and fun sort of adventure for the little men in your life and a great fun party idea. It also presents a few wonderful photo ops for souvenirs and your very own memory book. Have the tents pitched in the backyard and the grill should be set up to feed your hungry mountaineers. If you are fortunate enough to have a creek on your property or live very near one you could even have your ‘adventurers’ go panning for gold.

A camping birthday party presents endless opportunities to put your imagination to work creating a new and wonderful theme. Even if the weather, for some odd reason, doesn’t want to cooperate you can bring your great outdoor adventure inside and still have a grand time. If you live in an apartment or an area in which you are uncomfortable having a camp out, there’s no reason you can’t have a wonderful camp “in”.