An introduction into Zen training

When it comes to Zen, you have to understand that this is a time where you will need to think about yourself. Zen has a lot of benefits and the training can be a lot different than what you are use to, but you should first understand what Zen is exactly. You will need to understand that it has a religious aspect, as well as, as a way for you to discover yourself. A lot of people use Zen training for many different reasons, but you’ll need to try Zen and figure out what it brings to you.

Zen is a part of the Japanese culture, and it is a direct link to Buddhism. A lot of people have studied Zen as part of their learning and schooling, but when it comes to Zen in America, this is something relatively new. You will find that once you get into the training this is something that you use to help you out of the difficult situations. You’ll want to keep in mind that there are many ways and reasons to use Zen in you life that you may become overwhelmed with it all.

If you are interested in learning more about Zen and get the training for Zen, then you’ll want to keep in mind that there are many institutions that teach it throughout America. You may want to check out some of the local yoga classes and instructors, but also even some of the martial art instructors. If they don’t teach others about Zen, then you will be able to find someone who does through these instructors.

When you get your Zen training you will be able to find answers within yourself. You will be able to give up things like addiction and find something to believe in yourself. You’ll want to keep in mind that there are many positive aspects to learning Zen, but with the meditations, you’ll find that it’s not as easy as you would think. There are many teachings and there are many depths of the practice. You will notice that there is an ever-learning aspect to Zen, but the more you try, the more you will benefit from the training.

The instruction of Zen will place an emphasis on your new awakening. Basically, this is where you discover truly what lies within and also what you are capable of doing for yourself. Many people who are addicted will use Zen to help them over come some of their issues and attachments to drugs. This is because it allows you to find inner strength. It will allow you to figure yourself out. You’ll become very empowered with the training.

Once you have begun your training, you will notice an immediate change within yourself. You may begin to feel better about yourself. You may even begin to feel relieved. Often, people are inspired from their first onset feelings that they will begin to feel different about themselves. Overall, people are enlightened by the art of Zen and they also seek more, because of the positive energy that it seems to put forth.

The first thing that you have to do when it comes to Zen training is to try to understand the history and culture that comes with the art of Zen. You’ll also want to consider that there are many reasons why someone will begin training, but it will encourage you to seek more knowledge out, because you feel so much better about yourself and about most situations when you take the time out to become one with your surrounding and become neutral. You will be able to see the changes in yourself with just some “beginner” classes.

Starting to Live Frugally

Downshifting by definition means trading a high standard of living and low (often highly stressful) quality of life for a higher quality of life.

A downshifted life is a simpler life and often richer in time rather than in money. So, in order to downshift, one needs to have some money to spare at first. This might not necessarily be a lump sum in the bank. It might be equity tied up in your home or other possessions that you could sell. Downshifting might then involve moving to a smaller home or a similar home in a less expensive area or selling some of your possessions.

If you are in debt, then this is an issue you will probably want to tackle as a matter of urgency. Living frugally and downshifting your lifestyle may well form part of your plans for lifting yourself out of debt. It can be a very satisfying way to decrease your living costs without feeling that you are depriving yourself.

Here are a few simple things to try for one week to demonstrate to yourself that you can reduce your costs and change your money spending activities:

  • – Have a week that is media-free i.e., no television, radio, newspapers or magazines and notice how you are less tempted to spend money on what you feel you “ought to have.”
  • – Stay away from supermarkets. Buy your food only from local independent retailers or farms. Notice how much less you spend on food now that you have to work a little harder to get it and that you are less tempted to impulse buy.
  • – No eating out or takeaways. If you feel like having a food treat, make yourself a special candle-lit dinner.

There is an important difference between poverty and frugal simplicity. Poverty is involuntary and disabling whereas frugal simplicity is voluntary and empowering.


How to Use Affirmations to Dramatically Change Your Life

When you first start to use positive affirmations, and the Law of Attraction, you begin to realize that you can influence your experiences in life by working on your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Positive affirmations allow you to manifest all your heart’s desires by believing that what you want is indeed possible and feeling as if they were already yours. If you wish to change your life and attain everything you desire, here’s how you can use positive affirmations to reach that goal.

Know What You Want

When it comes to affirmations, you have to know precisely what you want to live a happier life.

  • Are you hoping to land a better job?
  • Do you want to lose weight?
  • Do you want to be able to purchase a new home?


  • Not only do you have to know what you are asking for, but you have to be mindful of how you’re asking for it. Too many times, people will list what they don’t want. Unfortunately, when your affirmations focus on what you don’t want, your subconscious mind will focus on the negatives of your desires.


Know That You Have It

The words you speak aren’t enough to imprint your subconscious with an idea or a vision, but require emotions to be triggered by the words you speak. Your affirmations need to be believable, and you need to consider them possible if you want them to come to fruition. Having negative feelings and emotions will only get in the way when you are trying to receive any positive emotions back. For your affirmations to be effective, you will need to develop techniques that will allow you to overcome these negative emotions.

Feel What You Already Have

If you want to be able to generate a positive emotional state, you have to be able to imagine how it will feel to have achieved your goal. The feelings you have about achieving your goal are what needs to be manifested to generate what you are asking for. You need to be able to understand what this feels like and practice incorporating it when asking for what you want because it is the emotions and feelings that you send out into the universe is what you’ll get back.

Making sure that you know what you want, knowing what you have, and feeling that you have reached your goal already, will help you create powerful manifestations that will work for you.