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Drift Creek Suspension Bridge Hike

Distance:  3.5 miles
Season:     All Year
Class:        II

Directions:  Coming from Portland you will take I-5 South to the Tigard Newberg exit, Hwy 99W.  Stay on 99W through Newberg and Dundee.  Approximately 5 miles past Dundee is the junction of Hwy 18 West, the road sign reads Oregon Coast and Dayton.  Turn left onto Hwy 18.  You will stay on Hwy 18 for 41 miles to Bear Creek Road.  This is a difficult road to see so I will give you a landmark.  At approximately the 40-mile mark start looking for Brown’s Rosewood Lodge Gardens and Nursery on the right.  About ½ a mile further is the road sign.  It will state Bear Creek Road, Cougar Mt LO and Schooner Creek.  Also on the sign is the Drift Creek Falls Forest info.  From here turn left onto Bear Creek Road for 9 miles.  At approximately 2 miles onto the road it turns into gravel, but don’t be alarmed, the pavement comes back in about 1-½ miles and continues for most of the journey.

This is a narrow one-lane road that has many curves in it; caution should be exercised when driving it.  The parking lot is at the 9-mile point and is located on the left side of the road.

Trailhead:  The trailhead is located on the far side of the parking lot next to the NW Forest Pass pay station and information board.   NW Pass Required.

Restroom:  Yes, located on the other end of the parking lot opposite the trailhead.

The Hike: This hike starts with a series of long switchbacks as you descend to the bottom of the valley.  There is approximately a 12% grade, this is why it is rated a class II hike.  At ¼ of a mile you will come to a wooden bridge in the middle of one of the switchbacks.  This bridge offers you a wonderful view down the creek.  From here continue on the trail enjoying the many ferns that cover much of the forests floor.  Looking into the forest you will see signs of logging from many years ago, stumps, some downed trees and such.  The forest is doing great with many large trees along this hike. 

Points of Interest: 

Return:  For your return trip just turn around and go back on the same trail you came in on.

NORDIC NORTHWEST TROLL – Ole Bolle by The Danish artist and environmentalist Thomas Dambo

The much anticipated completion of Ole Bolle the Troll is finally here.  Introducing the newest resident of the Northwest Campus, Ole Bolle!  Open to the public starting Aug 13, 2023 on the campus of the non-profit Nordic Northwest located near Washington Square in the Tigard Beaverton area.  The Troll is constructed using recycled materials and volunteer workers.

Just a short walk down a groomed gravel path to witness one of Thomas Dambo’s Troll Creations.

Admission is free to view during daylight hours, donations are appreciated.

“There’s something in the air, that something makes my belly rumble.

Something smells so strong, it hits me almost makes me stumble.

Could it be the little people cooking something smelly?

In the big red cookie jar, so I can put them in my belly.”

How to Visit the Troll

The 19-foot-tall troll is nestled within the trees behind Fogelbo, a home filled with Nordic antiques and art on the National Register of Historic Places

You can visit the troll during daylight hours at the campus of the nonprofit Nordic Northwest at 8800 S.W. Oleson Road, Portland Or 97223 not far from Washington Square. It will be on site for at least three years. The troll isn’t visible from the street, and visitors will need to travel down a gravel path to find it. Follow the troll signs.

This is a great little fun adventure that anyone will enjoy.  So get in your car, grab the kids, grand kids and friends and take the short Stroll to see the Troll…

Thomas Dambo's Troll Map

This map is an overview of Thomas Dambos ever-growing recycle sculpture fairytale “Trail of a 1000 Trolls” Thomas Dambo is an artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Thomas makes beautiful and fun sculptures and installations out of recycled materials.

10 Signs of a Cheating Spouse

Do you suspect that your husband or wife is cheating on you?  If you think that your spouse is cheating, you may be looking for confirmation.  Before you take steps to start spying on your spouse or before you decide to hire the services of a costly private investigator, read the signs below to see if your spouse may truly be cheating on you.

1 – A Change in Physical Appearance

Men and women who cheat often want to impress or entice the individual they are having inappropriate relations with.  When doing so, they often change or improve their appearance.  If your spouse starts paying more attention to their weight or buys new clothes, they may be having an affair.

2 – Distance or Lack of Communication

Until you recently started noticing a problem, how was your communication with your spouse?  If your spouse has recently stopped talking to you or distanced themselves from you at home, there is a good chance that they may be cheating on you.  This is because they may be afraid of making a mistake and talking about their affair or they may already be discussing their problems with someone else.

3 – They Constantly Work Late

Depending on your spouse and his or her career, they really may have to work late.  With that said, be on the lookout for changes and use your best judgment.  Has your husband or wife all of a sudden started working late?  In terms of using your best judgment, know what careers often call for late nights, such as lawyers, doctors, and so forth.

4 – They Spend Too Much Time with Friends

Spending time with friends does not always signal a cheater.  In fact, healthy relationships also depend on healthy outside friendships. With that said, be sure to use your best judgment.  Look for the appearance of new friends or an increased amount of time.  Has your husband or wife gone from spending one night a week with friends to three or more? 

5 – You Don’t Know Where They Are

When you are married, there is never really any reason why you shouldn’t know where your spouse is, especially late at night or for long periods of time.  If you do not know, chances are your spouse is cheating.  When they arrive home, they better have a good reason for being late or not letting you know where they were.

6 – You Hear Rumors

Many men and women are not careful about cheating. This often involves them telling someone or someone seeing them out on a date.  In these types of situations, people often talk.  Listen to what you hear.  If people are telling you that your spouse is cheating, it might be time to start listening.

7 – No Sex

Has your relationship recently become sex-free or has the sex that you do have decreased in intensity and in frequency.  If so, there is a good chance that your spouse is cheating on you.  Men and women who get sex elsewhere don’t always need to have it again when they return home.

8 – You Are Accused of Cheating

In today’s society, cheating is a major concern.  If your spouse accuses you of cheating, have you been displaying behavior that may lead them to that conclusion?  If you haven’t, there is a good chance that they are accusing you of cheating to make themselves feel less guilty.

9 – Hearing the Phrase “We are Just Friends”

The “just friends,” phrase is a big sign of a cheater.  As with all other friendships, it is important to use your best judgment.  If the friend of the opposite sex and are they are a newly acquired friend?  If so, something may be up.

10 – A Bad Feeling

Bad feelings are not something that should be easily dismissed.  If you have reason to believe that your husband or wife is cheating, they may be.  If you do not want to be in a relationship with a cheater, it is important for you to follow your heart. Take additional steps to see if they are truly cheating.  These steps may involve hiring a private investigator or spying.

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