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Bigfoot – Native Culture and Conservation with Todd Neiss

From MonsterQuest Producer – Doug Hajicek, who also produced the original Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science Doc in 2001. Veteran researcher Todd Neiss joins this episode and has a fascinating conversation with Tim and Dana. They discuss Todd’s first encounter in 1993 while on military training in Oregon and how it changed his life. Todd also dives into his collaboration with Native American and First Nation tribes and their beliefs regarding Bigfoot. One of the goals of his organization, The American Primate Conservancy is to establish protective status for the Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

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BEAST TV #31 – Todd Neiss

Thanks and appreciation, to all of you responsible for bringing on the caliber of guests that you do. We’ve all benefited, by his decision to go public with his sighting – a brave thing to do, considering the fallout some people receive after going public. I was moved by his explanation and assessment of the emotions that people who have had visual encounters may be experiencing. Perhaps someone who is dealing with having had a visual encounter and unable to confide in someone will do just that.

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Beachfoot 2022 Full Lecture