Front Page Posts

Squatch America – Interview with Bigfooter Todd Neiss

We take your reports seriously and go out armed with science to investigate. No TV crews, no ridiculous whooping, no “what was that” at every turn. Yes, there is a Squatch in these woods, but not every rustle, knock, and tree breaks come from one.

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Bigfoot Caught on Camera!! Discussing The Evidence with Todd Neiss and Adam Porter

Ep. 120 – Todd Neiss | Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo

Cliff Barackman handles host duties whilst our intrepid Bobo is away in this episode! Cliff speaks with sasquatch eyewitness and researcher Todd Neiss. Todd describes the daylight sighting of three sasquatches in the Oregon Coast Range that prompted his journey! He also gives us the details of his recent expedition searching for sasquatches along the British Columbia coastal islands.

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Your support Helps us pay for this site and conduct Analysis Research, everything helps…  besides, you get Cool Bigfoot STUFF…