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The Anugraha Reiki

Anugraha Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of healing. Reiki has its origins traced back to Japan where the practice was developed by a Tendai Buddhist named Mikao Usui in 1922. He was said to have discovered the technique after a 21-day retreat on Mount Kurama.

After undergoing meditation, fasting and prayer during the retreat, Usiu claimed to have received some mystical revelation and was handed down the knowledge as well as the spiritual power for healing.

Reiki has been known to be fairly easy and simple to use. Everyone is said to be able to employ the system to achieve spiritual healing of self as well as others. Teaching the system usually involves three parts which are better known as degrees. The first degree usually teaches the basic theories and procedures with using Reiki energy.

This energy is said to pass through a channel in the body which can be opened by way of four “attunements” given by the Reiki master to a student. The first degree of training also involves the learning of certain hand placements that allow the Reiki energy to heal people.

The second degree of the Reiki training involves the use of the Reiki symbols and how they can be used to enhance healing. Students are also taught how to provide distant healing. This will allow people to be able to heal others without being physically present. The third degree of the Reiki training involves making the student become a Reiki master. As a Reiki master, a person may now be able to attune others to Reiki and teach the system to others.

Different forms of Reiki now exist and each one of them provides different ways of providing spiritual healing. One of them is the Anugraha Reiki which is a mystical healing art that originated in India. The word “Anugraha” means Grace, which is considered as one of the five functions of the Divine that ultimately leads to Liberation or “Mukti”. Anugraha can also refer to the Power of Revelation. On another level, the word can also relate to Mercy.

Just like the Japanese form of Reiki, the first level of Anugraha Reiki focuses on self-healing, self-awareness, replenishment and perfecting relationship. A Diksha or attunement is given to help activate seldom used parts of the brain. A simple yet advanced spiritual practice is taught to help transform a person’s consciousness and result to deep states of awareness within 30 days.

The second level of the Anugraha Reiki focuses on healing others. During this period, sacred sounds are being taught that is said to help invoke positive consciousness. An advanced form of meditation is also taught. A type of special mantra used to invoke the presence is taught along with the techniques for doing healing work both through personal and long distance means.

The third-degree initiation of Anugraha Reiki involves the teaching of the esoteric use of important Reiki symbols that can be used for different means such as for astral projection, meditation, altering time or space, bridging the worlds of life and death, and easing the transition process. There are two additional master symbols are also revealed.

For a student to succeed and qualify for the third degree of teaching, he or she should already be relatively clear of his or her own physical and psychological suffering.

Celtic Reiki, Drawing Energy from Nature

Energy flows from the hands of a practitioner towards the person being healed. This is how reiki healing is conducted. Using the life force energy that is present in and all around us to heal and re-establish balance in one’s being is one of the basic beliefs of reiki.

And taking this life force energy a little further, practitioners have entered into realizations and developed several reiki techniques to promote healing faster. One of which is a version called Celtic reiki.

Celtic reiki utilizes the energy flows present on Earth and specific plants. Practitioners of this reiki use not only the universal “life force” energy present in all things but also the specific energy found in nature to heal those who needs healing.

This reiki system comes from the religious beliefs of early Celts. To the early Celts, trees are important aspects of their religion believing that trees have their own spirits. They gave the trees such high regards that they even patterned their writing system based on the trees.

The Celts’ Ogham, which is the ancient writing of Celtic people, uses symbols or letters that are cut as a series of notches and symbolizes different kinds of trees. Each letter represents a different kind of tree, specifically chosen for qualities that can be linked to spiritual concepts.

Some of the trees that are represented in the Celtic alphabet include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle. Practitioners of Celtic reiki use the symbols from the Ogham. This reiki also follows the Celtic philosophy of bravery, honor, integrity, valor and reverence.

But even though Celtic reiki draws influences from ancient Celtic religion, the practice itself is not a religious one. But rather it is a therapy that aims to treat the mind, body and spirit. It is not connected to any religion and as such can be passed down to everybody regardless of age, race, gender, and culture.

Celtic reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It was developed further Julie Norman. Practitioners of this reiki see this technique as a beautiful and earthy form. Having foundations on earth energy, this reiki has to channel the energy vibrations from the earth, specific plants, trees and the ocean through the root chakra as opposed to the crown chakra that is where conventional reiki channels the energy.

The techniques developed by Pentecost between 1998 and 2000 are used for therapy and goal creations. Combining the concept of the original reiki and the various Celtic beliefs and rituals, the Celtikc reiki techniques were created to handle day to day activities like tackling issues of prosperity, finance, work, and building relationships.

People who are interested in plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often drawn to the Celtic reiki belief. Men in particular are drawn closer to the Celtic reiki because it seems that this reiki has more masculine types of energy. But in reality, Celtic reiki is regarded as an equal among the other kinds of reikis.

The Celtic reiki treatment usually lasts for an hour and involves placing the hands in strategic locations and in specific sequences that will elicit a deep state of relaxation.

A student achieving attunement means having been open to the tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the various aspects of soul journeying, retrieval, and realization.

Finding Relief With Meditation

I would like to take you beyond the limits of your customary thoughts and experiences. This new way of life begins with two questions that are very simple. The first question is would I want this to be true: “Every event that will befall me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur.” Meditate before answering this so that you can think about it with a clear mind and answer it truthfully. The second question is the more difficult part, is to truthfully answer this question: Will I give that a chance to be true?

Imagine using meditation that God has appeared before you this instant and said: “I promise you that everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune,” Suppose God went on to tell you,” Even though what happens will appear at times unfortunate or even hurtful, in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever may happen to you. Stop and meditate. How would you feel about that wonderful news? Happy? Perhaps you may even be filled with joy.

Wouldn’t it be the greatest news that you could ever hear? Wouldn’t you heave a deep sigh of relief and feel as if a great burden had been lifted from your shoulders? Wouldn’t you then respond to the next thing that happened-even if it was hurtful or took something from you or seemed bad or even unlucky-as though it was going to be wonderfully beneficial for you,the best possible thing that could have happened? If you have not enthusiastically answer yes,clear your mind,meditate on it.Perhaps you mistaken what I am talking to you about.

I am not talking to you about the common phrase we commonly hear, “try to make the best of things,” which basically means ” The situation or event really is bad and terribly unlucky, but do what you can possibly think of or meditate to salvage some good out of it.” Nor do I mean that within even the worst event possible, there can be found a tiny bit of good. I am not thinking in terms of such limited ideas. I am thinking in unlimited terms, where every event that befalls you is absolutely the best event that could occur-that there is no other event imaginable that could benefit you to any greater degree.

So, again, while you meditate ask yourself wouldn’t that be the best piece of news you could hear? If you are willing to give this new concept a chance and actually believe that everything that happens to you will happen for a reason. When thinking about anything, to get a great deal of relief just clear your mind and meditate about the good things that are to come to you in the future. Meditation can be much better than medication and you might just be really surprised how much better you will begin feeling after practicing it for a while.