Looking Like a Million Without Spending a Million

You can actually look gorgeous without breaking your wallet. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars just to get the latest trends then find them out of style after a few months. The commitment may take a little time, but it is surely worth it.

Seasons come and go. So goes with the trends. But, there are certain outfits that never go out of style. Buy classic pieces. Such staples include blue jeans, black pants, white shirt, and a sultry black dress. Pair bargain finds with the basics. With a couple of designs and colors in your wardrobe, the main rule to follow is very simple: mix and match! Use your imagination!

Go thrift shopping for your clothes and accessories. For fall clothes, they typically hit the racks in July and they start getting marked down by around September. If you buy a sweater by October or November you can save up to 75%!

Everyone likes a bargain. Buy at the end of every season as the price is marked down. Add pieces as the season progresses and the prices fall. Go to clearance sales, if it’s possible, target the mall’s opening and start shopping as early as possible – when there are less people and the best buys aren’t sold yet.

Accessorize accordingly. Learn to sew and put on decorations to your wardrobe. If you have time, overhaul your unused clothes to make them more fashionable. Like scrap booking, it can actually be therapeutic!

Vow to stick to your budget. Have that as a challenge for yourself. Remember, fashion is what suits you, not what fits the model from the magazine.

Remember, you can look fabulous for less. Know what styles can be in par with your body type. This is definitely more than merely following what is going on in the forefront of the fashion world. The woman who always manages to look like a million bucks on the skimpiest budget is a true achievement.

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