7 Effective Ways to Control Your Debt

  1. Stop Using Your Credit Cards By Hiding Them!
    Put them somewhere where they will not tempt you. You may consider keeping at least one card for emergency purposes. Additionally, with poor credit, you may find it more difficult to get a credit card in the future. If you keep at least one account open, then you won’t have to worry about applying. One tip, put your credit cards in a zip lock bag, put the zip lock in a container of water and place the container in your freezer.  Not only will the cards not be tampered with, you won’t be able to use them on impulse!


  1. Take a Look at Yourself in the Mirror and Ask Yourself…
    Are you true to yourself? Taking a good hard look at your financial situation, particularly if it isn’t good, can be very difficult. Yet, to get out debt you have to fully understand what the situation is.


  1. Check Your Credit Card Statements for Any Errors
    Believe it or not, up to 40% of all credit reports have errors in them. If you find that your credit report shows something that is not true, you need to write to them with all the details. Be sure to use certified mail so that you can keep track of who you wrote to, when you wrote, and who received the mail on the credit bureau’s end. Then ask the credit bureau to send a corrected report to anyone who has requested a report on you in the last 6 months.


  1. Find Omissions
    By law, you are allowed to add information to your report that you believe will help your rating. This might be additional information about a repayment of a loan, good credit you have with companies that do not report to the credit bureau, or salary increases.


  1. Devise a Plan
    Whether you determine to pay your bills down little at a time, take a second job, go to credit counseling, or file bankruptcy, you need to make a plan and stick to it. In order for your credit to be improved, you have to have a plan and then take action!


  1. Don’t Run From Creditors and Talk with Them
    Creditors want their money. They do not want you to default (quit paying). In fact, most creditors will work with you to get a reduced payment schedule. If you can keep them from reporting you to the credit bureau, then it won’t hurt your credit. The catch here is this: be sure to stick to the new negotiated plan – they won’t renegotiate if you fail to comply.


  1. Have Patience
    Have you ever heard the saying ‘time heals all wounds’? It also heals your credit. After 7 years, most items will be dropped. This is good news if you are working to correct your credit. As each year passes, more and more bad items will drop off and more and more good items will be included. Eventually, the disease will be cured.

100% Financing Bad Credit Mortgages – Which Loan Can You Qualify For With Poor Credit?

100% Financing Bad Credit Mortgages – Which Loan Can You Qualify For With Poor Credit?


Various home loan programs are intended especially for homebuyers with less than perfect credit. To find a good home loan with poor credit, it is essential to choose the right lender or broker. Many new homebuyers are unfamiliar with different types of mortgages. Therefore, many assume that a down payment is required, and bad credit makes it impossible to get approved. However, many lenders offer 100% mortgage financing on bad credit loans.

How to Get Approved with Bad Credit

Getting a home loan with bad credit is not very hard. In fact, each day homebuyers are approved with low credit scores. The secret to finding a bad credit home loan is applying with lenders that specialize in these sorts of loans.

Subprime mortgage lenders have a range of home loans designed for bad credit applicants. These consist of loans that offer down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, loans for the self-employed, etc. Rather than applying with a mortgage company or bank, buyers should request quotes from subprime lenders. In most cases, the rates and terms are better.

Subprime Mortgage Loans

Subprime loans are perfect for homebuyers with no credit history, recent bankruptcy, or foreclosures. A low credit score will not qualify you for prime rates. Still, it is possible to obtain reasonable rates on your mortgage.

The majority of traditional mortgage lenders require two consecutive years of employment, whereas subprime loans only require one year of employment. Some subprime loans do not offer 100% financing. Therefore, homebuyers may need cash on hand for a down payment and closing.

100% Mortgage Financing

If using a mortgage broker, they will be able to match you with sub prime lenders that offer 100% financing on a bad credit loan. In some instances, you may qualify for 103% financing. The latter option provides assistance with paying the closing costs and other fees.

100% financing mortgage loans are essentially no money down loans. This is great for first time homebuyers, or individuals trying to re-establish credit. Lenders have different guidelines. To qualify for 103% financing, borrowers need a credit score of at least 600. For a full doc 100% mortgage financing, credit scores must be at least 580.

5 easy steps to Credit repairs

5 easy steps to Credit repairs


There is an unfortunate stroke of luck and you have engrossed yourself neck-deep in bad credit. Credit repair seems to be the need of the hour. You need a dolphin-jump to free yourself from the shackles of bankruptcy and you are out of ideas. You are loaded with bank notices and warnings. How do you handle this stressful bad credit? You are just a layman and bankruptcy can dig up nightmares for you. This is really getting on your nerves. Well, the very sensation seems stinky. It feels miserable if you are glued with bad credit and you need a quick guide to credit repair.

A few handy tips, well imbibed can raise your eyebrows and get you exercising your jaw. These can give you a reason to smile and can set you back on your track. But self help may be the best help. You don’t need to be depressed. Bad credit can be repaired through a few systematic steps and make you credit- worthy in some time.

5 step guide to credit repair

1. Getting your credit reports
There are three chief credit government departments that regulate these credit functions. TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. You need to research up and get to know their opinions about your case in specific. There is every chance of diverse viewpoints amongst all three. Those in bankruptcy hunting for credit repair need to report to only one particular bureau to whom they subscribe. Thus people with bad credit don’t need to report to all three. You can get reports from all three for $9 each and can get them free if you have been denied insurance, employment or credit due to bad credit. You can obtain them in 60 days after your rejection. The most considerable report can be considered by you as an option.

2. Examine the reports

Once you obtain the reports check them in every nook and corner for any kind of mistakes. The reports may be erroneous as these bureaus do not cross check the information provided by the credit companies to them. Be sure to look for any obsolete information and erroneous account records. Be painstaking enough while organizing and preparing points of dispute. If there are any false points there you can look to rectify them through your good habits and timely billings and fight bankruptcy.
3. Dispute reporting
Report the points of dispute to the credit bureau after thoroughly preparing a list of errors and their proper justification. Remember to keep the supporting documents, letters, identity proofs, address proofs and other important documents that can get your errors rectified. You must then send them to the credit authority to rectify the errors.

4. Dissolve bad credit and escape bankruptcy
You can use various consolidation techniques and also recommend the bank to lower your installments. You can also take various credit cards and diversify risks.

5. Show your credit worthiness
You can approach petrol pumps, banks, companies, shops, etc that have your previous proofs of purchase and liquidity. You can forward these to the bureau, gain their trust and repair credit.