Keeping Children Motivated

Initial enthusiasm in after school activities tends to wane after the
first excitement is over. This is but natural. The trick is to keep up the
hard work even after this. How do you keep your child motivated? This is
of particular importance when the child goes in for educational after
school programs.

Make the career-academics connection early on:

Let your child understand how important studies are. Let him know that
an excellent career is wholly dependent on wholesome learning. To develop
his interest in studies, plan family activities that are connected with
his studies. Emphasize the real-world connection to academics whenever

Set goals:
Let your child know, through example, that hard work will be rewarded. If
your child believes that achievement is a natural by-product of effort, he
is more likely to put in hard work. Such children are also less likely to
drop out of programs and college at a later stage.

Reward success:
When a child achieves something, it is necessary to praise his hard work.
Positive reinforcements enhance confidence and increase self-esteem.

Conversely, beware of criticism. It can ruin the frail ego of children and
play havoc with their minds.

After School Safety – Tips and Reminders

When parents send their children for after school programs, they take it
for granted that the child is safe. But since the number of children
participating in these activities has increased, it is necessary to look
into safety issues.

Children are vulnerable when they are outside the classes. While going or
returning, they should know the safest route to take. Many kids hang out
with their friends just after these classes. Find out ‘danger zones’ from
your neighbors and make the children aware of these.

The child has to know how to handle emergencies. It is better to discuss
various scenarios with your child. Tell her what she should do in case the
class is suddenly cancelled. Show her the first-aid kit at home and make
sure, she knows whom to call in an emergency. Post any important contact
information in a place that is easily accessible to the child. If the
child will be alone at home, discuss a few unexpected things with her.
Tell her to use the safety chain ALWAYS.

Relay on your neighbors and friends when needed. Let your child know who
can be contacted at times of emergency. Ask your child to check in by
phone. Above all, always tell the child to be in a group. Visiting toilets
all alone or going home via isolated streets must be avoided.

After School Activity for the Hyperactive Child

ADHD refers to attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder. Most children who
suffer from this disorder suffer from attention problems as well as hyperactivity. Parents of such children are well aware that inattention and hyperactivity continue throughout the day. Keeping such children busy after school hours can be as difficult as keeping them safe during the school day.

The first step while choosing the right after school activity for your child is to understand how ADHD affects him. Is your child interested in sports? Is he put off by the fierce competitiveness, or does he find it hard to get along with teammates? Does your child vocalize his feelings, or is communication a problem?

For a child suffering from ADHD, physical exercise is always beneficial. Exercise takes up the extra energy and helps to stimulate the brain. Team activities teach social skills and discipline. But, if your child shies away from team sports, you may want to look at activities like dancing, cycling, swimming or gymnastics. Martial arts not only teach techniques of self-defense but also teach self-control and patience.

If your child shows aversion to sport and shows inclination towards the fine arts, you may need to look at some other options. Acting classes are a wonderful form of creative exercise. It also provides the child with ample opportunity to develop his social skills. Music, art or dance can help the child to keep himself busy and entertained.

In case the child is not interested in any of the above, you may want him to join a Boy Scouts club or other community-oriented clubs that take up social work. Cleaning a park, putting on a show, helping out in an old age home are various activities that may pique your child’s interest.

Whatever form of activity you choose, make sure that you monitor your child’s progress periodically. If you feel that there is no progress, you may need to change the activity. Anything that increases your child’s self-esteem is good. You may enlist the help of the coach or teacher to assess your child’s development.

There are certain activities that are detrimental to a child suffering from ADHD. Computer and video games are a definite NO. Since these games need no interaction, children will feel all the more isolated. These children also find it difficult to distinguish between the good and the bad messages. They may therefore show an inclination to stick to messages that are not needed. Games that need the child to sit and wait for his turn patiently tax his patience and will not be a success.

Although you would want these children to be as near too normal as possible, understanding their needs and limits will help you select the right after school activity – one that is fulfilling, tiring as well as challenging.