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Get organized

The best way to eliminate chaos in your life is to get organized. I know that sounds simple, but like lots of things, it’s often easier said than done. You need to make a real effort to get organized and to abandon your old disorganized ways, but once you make the effort, you’ll find that life begins to run much more smoothly.

Start by de-cluttering. The best place to begin is by clearing flat surfaces. Lots of old papers, magazines and other stuff you’ve left lying around are really just trash and belong in the garbage. Separate stuff into piles: Stuff to keep and stuff to get rid of. Be ruthless. If you haven’t read that magazine article you were saving for over a year by now, then junk it. Chances are it’s not going to be relevant now anyway. Likewise ditch any clothing you haven’t worn for a couple of years. It’s just taking up space in your closet. Take it to your local thrift store, or put it up for sale on sites like eBay to generate a few extra dollars.

File away stuff you’re going to keep to make it easier to find later. Label file boxes, folders and drawers so you (and other people) know where things are. Be sure to put things back there when you’ve finished using them, otherwise it defeats the whole object of the exercise.

To keep things less stressful, develop systems and routines for handling regular tasks. When you can do things without having to worry about them, it makes life much less stressful.

To avoid nasty surprises, plan ahead. Create a to-do list for every day. Go through your list and rank all your tasks in order of importance. Put the least pleasant task (or the one you really don’t want to do) at the top of the list and get it out of the way first. Then put biggest or most important task next, followed by all your other tasks. Check them off as you go.

By following these steps, you’ll find chaos becomes a thing of the past.

PS. I go into more details in my from chaos to calm Course. Discover what’s inside here: 

Natural Remedies for Hangovers

So, you had a fun night out on the town last night with your romantic partner or a few close friends. Although you may have had a great time the night before, you may be feeling a little bit “weird,” the next day, especially if you consumed alcohol. If alcohol was consumed, you may be experiencing the ever so dreaded hangover.

Anyone who has every experienced a hangover before knows the feeling of just wanting it all to go away. Unfortunately, many individuals believe that there is no “cure,” for a hangover. Although cure may not be the best word used to describe seeking treatment, there are a number of natural remedies which many claim do provide hangover relief. You are looking to relieve yourself from a hangover, please continue reading on as a few of these natural remedies, as well as tips for your next alcohol drinking outing are highlighted below.

Water is a natural remedy for hangovers. Before heading to sleep, after a night of drinking, drinking a lot of water can assist with your hangover the next morning. Alcohol, especially when consumed in large amounts, can impact a body’s hydration, which can result in unpleasant feelings the next morning. That is why a glass or two of water before bed is a great idea. The next morning, as soon as you wake, start drinking even more water. In addition to helping to treat a hangover, drinking water before you starting consuming alcohol also has a number of benefits.

Eating can also help with a hangover from too much alcohol consumption. Eating should be done before, during, and after alcohol consumption. Most importantly, it is important not to consume large amounts of alcohol on an empty stomach. This increase a drinker’s likelihood of becoming intoxicated or drunk, and it also increases the chances of a hangover the next morning. Eating before, during, or after alcohol consumption can slow down the rate in which alcohol is absorbed into the body and bloodstream.

As for vitamins, which many individuals turn to when looking for a natural remedy, vitamin C and B is recommended for hangover relief. It has been claimed that vitamin B helps to shorten the length of a hangover. As for vitamin C, it can help to breakdown the alcohol in your body, also assisting with a hangover, namely by preventing one, shortening its length, or reducing symptoms.

When it comes to a headache associated with a hangover, there are many individuals who take pain relievers. Of course, this approach will work for many, but it is not natural. If you are concerned with that you are putting in your body, you may be looking for a more natural way to relieve the headaches often associated with hangovers. A natural way to relieve a headache associated with a hangover is to place a cold pack on the head; however, a ziplock bag filled with ice will also do. Depending on the activities that you have planned for the day, consider getting extra rest, preferably with an ice pack on your head or neck.

An extra tip to help reduce the likelihood of a hangover involves limiting alcohol consumption. Many professionals recommend pacing yourself with one alcoholic drink an hour, as anything else increases the chances of a hangover. As previously stated, eating before, during, and after alcohol consumption can help with hangovers, as you aren’t drinking on an empty stomach. Eating, even just snacking, while drinking will reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, as you are doing something other than just drinking. Also, some mixed drinks, especially those that are tasty, fruity, or sugary, should be avoided, as it is hard for some drinkers to gauge the amount of alcohol they are actually consuming.

The above mentioned natural remedies are just a few of the many that you can use to relieve the symptoms of a hangover. Also, the tips mentioned above can also reduce your chances of having a hangover following the consumption of alcohol.

Natural Remedies: Why You Should Give Them a Try

Each year, millions of Americans are faced with minor medical issues. These minor medical issues can range from headaches to chicken pox to head lice to warts. Although most minor medical issues, such as the ones previously mentioned, do not require medical treatment, many individuals are still looking for relief. Although over-the-counter medications do work in most cases, did you know that there is likely a number of natural remedies that you can also use to seek relief?

As nice as it is to hear that many minor medical issues can be treated with a natural remedy, you may be curious as to why you should give it a try. After a close examination, you will find that there are a number of benefits to using natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications. A few of those benefits are highlight below for your convenience.

Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should at least give natural remedies a close look is because you know what you are putting into your body. For example, the juice from grapes is known as a natural remedy for headaches. When eating grapes or simply just drinking the juice from them, you know exactly what you are putting into your body, a grape. On the other hand, over-the-counter pain relievers are filled with countless ingredients, which are not natural. In fact, over-the-counter pain relievers and other over-the-counter medications are often full of warnings. This should cause you concern if it doesn’t already.

In addition to being known as natural remedies, many are also commonly referred to as home remedies. This is because many individuals have the ingredients required in their homes already. For example, did you know that warts can effectively be removed by applying fresh cut onions, potatoes, or even pineapples to the wart? They can be and there is a good chance that you already have at least one of these food items in your home. What does this mean for you? It means that, depending on the home remedy in question, you can seek relief from the comfort of your own home, without making an extra trip to the drug store and without spending any additional money.

Speaking of saving money with the use of natural or home remedies, you may be surprised just how much money you are able to save. For example, if you are a parent whose child has head lice, did you know that you could easily spend between $30 and $50 on over-the-counter treatments? You can, but it is also important to mention that many young children develop lice multiple times a year. This is often due in part to the fact that not all children in a classroom have their lice effectively removed and lice may still be present in the home, which makes a re-infection easy. This could result in spending hundreds of dollars on over-the-counter treatments, when vinegar and mayonnaise are known as natural ways to get rid of head lice.

Another one of the many benefits to relying on the use of natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications, is the ease of use. As previously stated, many natural and home remedies use items that you already have inside your home, saving you a trip to the store and money. Not only that, but if you are currently unfamiliar with home remedies, it is easy to research them, especially online. A standard internet search can be performed, with the phrase “natural remedies,” or “home remedies.” With that being said, there are home and natural remedy books that can be purchased for affordable prices, both on and offline.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits to relying on natural remedies to treat many minor medical issues, especially when compared to over-the-counter medications. As previously stated, it is easy to find a wide range of home remedies online, free of charge. For that reason, at least consider trying a home remedy the next time that you are looking to seek relief. You may be surprised with the results.