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Mastering Various Kitesurfing Techniques

Sky’s the limit when it comes to kitesurfing. With knowledge on the fundamental steps and techniques, it would be easy for the kitesurfer to modify the basics and suit them to his style. Here are the essential things that one should learn, from here on try to make your own styles.

If you are novice in kitesurfing, it is advisable that you get a trainer’s kite first before moving into different types of kites. This would give you the feel of the kite and since it is equipped with basic controls, you could readily practice with the basic directions, the functions of the control bars and the control of the wind and the flight of the kite.

Mastering the use of the dead-man release system- If you are just starting with kitesurfing you should first master the techniques on using the dead-man release system. This technique along with other procedures that are directly associated with it should help maintain your safety. To learn more of this release system, you should try to study the manufacturer’s manual.

Kite Control Devices – The control system should be carefully studied first without deploying the kite. You should be able to control the device using your left or right hand alone.

Launching – All types of kites have various capacities for launching and relaunching. Launching basically begins with putting the kite on the direction of the wind and the board on the sand. The same is true with land or snow kitesurfing. The board should be on the ground while the vertical kite with its leading side should face the wind. The push of the wind shall give the kite its speed.

Piloting – Piloting requires the mastery of the kite system, the power and the limitations of the kite and everything that is related to the use of the kite since it will help you to maneuver easily once it is launched.

Piloting involves the mastery of movements such as turning to the right or the left, practicing with number 8 figures for several times to the left and the right, and hovering and lying on both sides. Do these techniques until you are comfortable performing them without looking at your kite or the kite’s manual. Once you are over this, you should be able to practice tricks only by feeling the kite.

For starters, it is advisable to practice with the trainer’s kite on piloting during light wind as this speed would give you better control and lesser chances of piloting errors.

Maintaining the Surf – Once you launched the kite, you should be able to maintain its stability. To do these you need knowledge on the power of the wind, steering the kite board and maintaining your balance on the board.

Kite Power Controlling – This entails the command on the power used by the kite to maintain, increase or lessen its speed. There are two types of power controlling: the projected surface controlling which is normally used among traditional kites and the speed controlling. The former use techniques like tilting, sheeting and reefing. The latter is parallel to controlling the kite itself. It involves the principle of increasing or decreasing the speed of the kite.

Apart from these basic skills, there are more advanced techniques that should follow after mastering them. The advanced skills include jibing, jumping, looping, wave riding, different kinds of rides and performing tricks.

Great Kitesurfing Videos Today

Kitesurfing is a spectacular sport. Riders and audiences alike enjoy watching the players as they ride and jump. But while kitesurfing videos continue to impress those who watch it, there are also some kitesurfing videos which show the dark side – the fall, break and accidents that sometimes happen along the way.

Kitesurfing is not as easy as it appears on video. Every ride requires hard work and determination. How he was able to perfect his move depends on the rider, and the amount and degree of training that he received.

There are two ways to train for the sport. One is by taking kitesurfing courses. Here you have limitless choices. If you live in some coastal area, or if there are large lagoons and lakes in your place, with winds blowing steadily against it, then you’re in luck. Chances are, there’s a kitesurfing school or spot in your area.

To know details of any school, you can check the location over the internet. You’ll be surprised at the number of schools in your area. If you can’t find one in your area, you can be on vacation in some tropical island, where kitesurfing schools also abound. This indicates how popular the sport has become not only in the US but in most parts of the world.

Another way of learning is through self-help. Because of its gaining popularity, more and more people are learning the sport on their own. While this method seems difficult, since there is no one to personally teach you, there are many sources of information that a budding rider can read. One of these is through instructional videos.

Like websites, there are tons of instructional videos available in the market today. Which video to buy would have to depend on you. Some DVDs give step by step instructions while others present the topic in a travelogue manner, to make it more interesting.

These are two sources of kitesurfing videos – internet and sports shops. Try keying in the word kitesurfing in your search engine, and you will find hundreds of websites dedicated to the sport the world over. As you browse through these sites, you will see the different features that they post.

Each of these websites contains videos of some sort – exhibitions, instructions, and on some instances, accidents. While these may encourage others to try the sport, there are some who find it discouraging. But I guess the purpose is not to discourage. It is only to make people aware of the dangers that this sport may bring, and that everyone must observe the safety rules that this sport entails.

As years passed, and as the popularity of the sport spread, producers and kitesurfers are releasing better, more dynamic and glossy videos. With new technology, video cameras take better, more precise shots. Worth mentioning is the editing aspect of these videos. Advances in technology allow better editing and dubbing. So aside from just the graphic parts of the video, music is sometimes included to make it more interesting.

There are many kitesurfing videos that you can watch. Whether wave riding or freestyle, there is one to inspire you and teach you as you learn this new sport. Here’s a word of caution though.

Don’t try to do freestyling or other more difficult stunts for the first time without the help of an expert.


Flying kites is originally a child’s past time. However that does no stop the adults from continuing to enjoy them. Kites have become a past time for people of all ages. It was a matter of time that adults find a way to diversify the activity. With our unending quest for thrills and extreme sports, people are finding more ways to create something exciting by combining different ideas. Combining the propulsive power of the kite and a surfboard, you have kitesurfing.

Kitesurfing is a fairly new sport but it is gaining interest from thrill seekers. Everyday people are always finding something new to give them a break out of the routine of everyday living. It involves the use of power kites to pull a rider on the water with a small surfboard or kiteboard.

Something radical out of something simple

Flying kites is a passive safe game. However if you use for other purposes it can be exciting. The use of kites for propulsion originated from the Chinese. In the 1800’s kite was used to propel ships and carts with the use of a 4 line control system. The main purpose in that time was to substitute kitepower for horsepower due to the horse tax.

In the 70’s Kevlar and Spectra flying kites were made, making them more controllable and efficient with more kite traction. In the 80’s kites were combined with now snow skis, roller skates, canoes ice skates and water skis.

The development of kitesurfing continued as better designs emerged. In November of 1984 the first inflatable design was patented. Since then, it has used by many companies to make their own products. In 1997 the “Wipika” kite design was developed and sold.

It had preformed inflatable tubes and the simple bridle system that helped in re-launching in the water. In 1997 kiteboards were developed and replaced the skis. By 1999 kitesurfing turned into a mainstream sport. The first competition took place in Maui in September of 1998. Schools teaching kitesurfing has also emerged.

Kitesurfing can be learned through kitesurfing schools. These schools provide courses and lessons to teach students all the skill they need for kitesurfing. This includes, flying, kite launching, landing, how to use the bar, including lines and safety devices. Eager students should take lessons from certified kite surfing instructors because the equipments can easily be misunderstood.

It may look easy from the shore but there are a number of considerations to think of such as kite set up, size and type. Students should also learn the proper way of operating and maintaining the power kite.

After the students have learned the techniques in kite flying they must now learn bodydragging. The power kite is flown and the students are dragged through the water. The method is pretty much similar to body surfing but with an upward lift instead of a being pulled forward. Kitesurfing gear can cost from $1000 to $3000. Apart from the standard equipment you may need to buy a life vest, gloves, booties, hood, wetsuit and different kites for varying conditions.

Kitesurfing can be dangerous so it is restricted to some locations for safety reasons. Fortunately there are sites wherein you can go kitesurfing. Just make sure that before you get in the water you have proper equipment and be sure to follow safety regulations.