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How To Be More Confident And Less Dependent On Others

If you are someone who is often concerned about what others think about you then this can really tank your self confidence. Being reliant on others to feel good about yourself is a bad situation to be in. If you had higher confidence levels then you wouldn’t need to do this so much, if at all.

So in this article we will provide you with some proven methods to increase your self confidence. The first method will give you an instant confidence boost and the others will take more time and consistent effort. Make a commitment to work on your self confidence every day because it is so important for your independence.

Create Confidence through Motion

People that are low on self confidence often have a poor body posture. They tend to sit around a lot or lie on the couch and these things have a negative impact on your confidence levels. It is easy to make yourself feel down and even depressed if you use bad posture.

Let’s say that you have been invited to a party by one of your best friends. You are not feeling confident because you know that there will be a lot of people there you have not met before. But you don’t want to let your friend down so you accept the invitation.

What body posture will you adopt when you are walking in a room full of strangers? Will you slouch your way in with your shoulders dropped and your head down? This is great if you don’t want to meet anyone new and have a lousy time.

But if you want to enjoy yourself then change your posture. Stand tall and throw your shoulders back. Lift your head up so that you can make eye contact with people. Put a confident smile on your face. Practice this in the mirror before going to the party. It will make you feel great!

Address your Negative Thinking

Unconfident people usually have a lot of negative thoughts swirling around in their heads. These thoughts tell them that they are a loser and their life is worthless. If this is happening to you then you need to take control of your thoughts.
This is going to take time and practice so you need to accept that you have to keep working on it. If you have a negative thought which says “you are worthless” then neutralize this with a positive thought like “I am great and have a lot to offer”.

Practice this until it becomes automatic. Getting rid of negative thought spirals will do wonders for your self confidence. You will feel a whole lot better about yourself and ready for any challenges that you may face.

Don’t Idolize other People

Too many people idolize others and this is just crazy. They hang on to their every word on social media and want to live their life like them. But what they don’t know is that this person has a lot of flaws and they are far from perfect.

There is no problem with looking up to certain people because they have more knowledge or experience than you and you can learn from them. But you will never be free and really develop your self confidence if you just idolize them.

Be Proud of Yourself

You have come a long way in life and you have many things that you can feel proud of. There have been a number of problems that you needed to overcome and you did that. So reflect on the great things that you have done before for a great self confidence boost.

Can Comparing Yourself To Others Be Good For You?

The answer to this is a resounding “Yes” if you do this in the right way. What most people tend to do is compare themselves to others as some form of validation for themselves or because of envy or some other negative emotion.

The secret to comparing yourself to others for your benefit is to do it on the premise that you want to improve yourself. You want to achieve a specific goal and another person has already achieved this goal so you can learn from them and then use similar strategies in your own life.

You must have the right Intent

Having the right intent for comparing yourself to another person is critical. What we do not recommend you do is compare yourself to someone else that you know is not as good as you in a specific area so that you can give your ego a boost. Avoid this kind of “self validation”.

You may get a temporary ego boost from a self validation comparison but this can backfire on you very badly. If you don’t know the person that you are comparing to very well then you have no idea what they are capable of. If you challenge them and they end up being better than you at your specialty then this can destroy your self esteem.

Think about why you want to make the comparison. Let’s say that you want to be a successful business manager and there is a manager in your office who always seems to make the right decisions and has the level of confidence that you want to achieve.

You want to find out how they got to their position and how they maintain their confidence. This is specific intent and you are in the right frame of mind to make the comparison. You are not jealous that this person is a manager and you are not. It is all about learning from the person so that you can improve your life.

Consume other relevant information

The person in your office is not the only good business manager out there. Many have written books and some have their own blog. These days it is easier than it ever has been before to get the information that you need.

Once you have decided that you want to be a top notch business manager consume everything that you can about the subject and keep looking for new material. Modeling the business manager you know is a good step forward but you can always do more.

If you are not a fan of reading then go to YouTube and find relevant videos there. You will be sure to find what you are looking for. Also look for forums on your subject and join them and participate. Ask questions and most people will be happy to help.

Be careful of your Self View

You have a view about yourself that you formed over many years. This self view tells you that you things like you are smart, good looking, talented and so on. We all need this self view because it defines how you see the world around you and helps you to figure everything out.

The problem is that if you believe something in your self view and something challenges this then there is conflict. So if you believe that you know a lot about business and someone tells you that you need to learn more about business then this is difficult to take. Relax your self view and take on board any constructive criticisms.


Proven Methods for Gaining Self-Discipline to Achieve Success

When it comes to achieving success and happiness in life, there are many important qualities that you must possess. However, there is one quality that beats them all in regards to sustainable, long-term success: self-discipline. Self-discipline is the one trait that you need to have if you want to accomplish your goals and be happy. Fortunately, self-discipline is a learned behavior.

Here are five proven methods for gaining better control and improving your self-discipline. Remove Temptations Self-discipline is often easier when you abide by the adage, “out of sight, out of mind.” A crucial first step to improving your self-discipline is removing all distractions and temptations from your environment. Set yourself up for success by eliminating the bad influences.

Eat Regularly

Studies have proven that when your blood sugar is low, it can weaken your resolve. When you are hungry, your ability to concentrate on the tasks suffers as your brain is unable to function at its highest potential. Not only does hunger make you more pessimistic and grumpier, but it also will make it much more challenging for you to focus on your tasks. To combat this, make sure that you are well fueled throughout the day so your brain can better focus on your priorities and goals.

Don’t Wait

Improving your self-discipline involves changing up your normal routine, even if it’s uncomfortable and awkward. When a behavior becomes a habit, we halt our decision-making skills and switch on the auto-pilot. To break our bad habits and build new habits, we have to make active decisions. This can sometimes feel wrong, causing your brain to resist the change. To fix this, embrace the wrong and acknowledge that it will take time for the new regime to take hold and feel right.

Schedule Breaks and Reward Yourself

Self-discipline doesn’t mean your new routine needs to be hardcore, in fact, not providing for a little wiggle room will often result in disappointment, failure, and giving up. When practicing self-discipline be sure to schedule specific breaks, rewards, and treats for yourself. Self-discipline can be severe, so be sure to reward yourself for your effort.

Forgive Yourself

Changing up your routine and instituting a new way of thinking won’t always go according to your plan. You will experience ups and downs, successes and failures. The key to improving your self-discipline is to keep moving forward even when you fail. When you have setbacks, acknowledge what caused them and move on.

Improving your self-discipline isn’t easy, but it is necessary if you want to achieve success. Utilize these tips and watch as you become more self-disciplined and move closer to your goals.

“Finally! Learn How to Unleash Your Inner Drive So That You Can Accomplish Everything That You’ve Set Out to Do”

You Want In Life!