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Outdoor Hobbies

With such a beautiful world surrounding us, why not try out some hobbies that are based in the outdoors? Hopefully some of these hobbies listed below will inspire you to want to go outside, look at the beautiful world surrounding us, breathe in the fresh air, and try something new.

1. Gardening – Not everyone may have a green thumb but it’s good to give gardening a try. It’s very pleasing to see all the fruits and vegetables you’ve grown on your own. Not to mention, you get fresh fruits and vegetables right out of your own home-grown garden! Another great thing you can plant is flowers. Flowers brighten up your yard, making you feel a sense of peace.

2. Astronomy – Looking above into the unknown brings calmness to some people. The peace and quiet of the night provides you the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts and de-stress from the day’s activities.

3. Bird Watching – Many people have the same wish: for life to slow down. Watching the birds fly above us, seemingly having not a care in the world, brings people a sense of peace, curiosity, and anticipation for the upcoming events.

4. Cloud Watching – Looking at the clouds above us stimulates our imagination. It’s always so much fun trying to decide if a cloud looks like a dog, pig, or a penguin riding a bicycle. There’s no age limit to this hobby; children and adults can both equally enjoy this activity.

5. Butterfly Watching – Like bird watching, watching all the different colored butterflies fly around, not seeming to care, brings upon a sense of curiosity about bigger and greater things in life.

6. Bonsai Trees – This hobby allows you to grow trees in small pots in such a way that they look artistic, old, and interesting. This outdoor activity allows you to be creative and imaginative. This hobby is believed to have originated in China, but is now practiced all over the world.

7. Camping – When some people think of camping they think of peaceful rivers, the quiet of a forest, and crackling campfires. For those people, camping brings upon a sense of peace and calmness. However, others who are asked to think about camping think of mud, bugs, and fears of animals attacking you. For those people, camping is not as fun and not nearly as relaxing. Before deciding to go on a camping trip, know whether or not you’d enjoy sleeping in the woods for a couple nights.

8. Travel – Traveling to places you’ve never been can provide you with many lessons about yourself as a human and about the different cultures surrounding that specific place. Traveling to new places is stimulating to many people, making it one of the most popular outdoor hobbies today.

Not everyone enjoys the outdoors, but for people who do, some of these hobbies may be a great thing to add into your everyday life.

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How to Find the Hobby That’s Right for You

Hobbies are important for people to have because they allow you to do something just for you, without worrying about life’s everyday struggles. If you’re having trouble finding the perfect hobby that will allow to relax and as a getaway from life, then read on.

Look at Your Past

Can you think of anything that you enjoyed as a kid that you might enjoy now as an adult? If you enjoyed coloring, for example, try out some of those adult coloring books. Or if there was a special something you enjoyed collecting when you were younger, start that hobby back up and see if you get the same enjoyment and relaxation out of it. There’s also the option to start back up a hobby that you abandoned. Maybe after taking a break from it, you’ll find that enjoyment you were missing.

Explore Different Options

If nothing seems to jump out at you from your past, try searching around some stores and see if anything pops out at you. For example, if you walk down a cooking aisle and a new cook book catches your eye, decide on whether or not cooking is a hobby you’d like to pick up.

Start Small

If you’re adding something new into your life, make sure you have time to focus on this new thing. Most times though, many people have a lot of extra time that they aren’t spending right. Before starting a new hobby, go through your schedule and decide what things you can cut from your daily routine. It’s common for people to spend about 30 minutes to an hour doing their hobby on a daily basis. Ensure that you have that time to devote to this hobby so that you don’t end up having to drop it because of lack of time.

Know Who You Are

This may sound silly, but to ensure you find a hobby that suits you best, you should think about what type of personality you have. For instance, if you don’t have patience, quilting may not be something you enjoy. However, an alternative to quilting is some quicker sewing projects, especially if you know you enjoy sewing but not taking a lot of time to do things.

When picking out a hobby, remember to think about the types of things you like. If you really enjoy looking at art, try out making your own works of art.

It’s important to remember that you may not hit the perfect hobby as soon as you start looking. Don’t lose hope, though. Keep an open mind and be prepared to try new things you never thought you’d enjoy. Sometimes the things you least expect to like can be the best addition to your stressful life.

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Collecting Hobbies

People collect objects for different reasons. Either they have an interest in that certain object or it means something to them. Whatever the reason, people consider this hobby to be fun, and it gives them pleasure. Here are five of the most popular objects that people collect for a hobby.

1. Bottles – Bottle collecting has been a popular hobby since the 1970s. The bottles that people collect range from beverage bottles to medicine bottles. Many times these bottles are considered to be unusable, but much of the joy is in finding new items to add to the collection.

2. Antique Toys – Often times collectors collect the toys from their childhood because it brings back memories, or because they really enjoyed that toy when they were younger. Antique collecting is one of the oldest hobbies. When collecting antiques, you need to know that you can’t just leave them on shelves without taking care of them properly. Despite this responsibility, this hobby is a lot of fun.

3. Marbles – Collecting marbles is a very unique hobby because of the different elements of beauty within each different marble. Everyone has a different preference to the look of the marble that they collect, as there’s such a variety available. This specific collecting hobby is fun and offers you knowledge upon collecting each new marble.

4. Stamps – Stamp collecting gives you a wide knowledge and effective means of communicating with other people. When collecting things like stamps, you are given the opportunity to travel around the world. When traveling to those new places, you meet new people who will leave an impact on your life and vice versa.

It is said that when collecting stamps you should ensure that they are in good condition. However, if you want your stamps to show some age, don’t feel obliged to follow what people say. A stamp that is in good condition is said to have perfect centering, perfect gum, and brilliant color.

5. Jewelry – Many people collect pieces of jewelry that are unique and one of a kind. People are drawn to collecting jewelry because of the creativity, imagination, and relaxation it brings to a person. Once getting a rare piece of jewelry, collectors will often want to gain some knowledge of the piece of jewelry they possess, including finding out about the history of the specific piece of art.

Collecting hobbies do amazing things for you as a human. For most people, collecting is a lot like an adventure that is never quite complete. Searching for antique things or objects that mean something to the collector brings a feeling of joy and happiness to a person.

Remember that when collecting, you don’t have to collect a certain type of something just because a majority of people do. Collect the things that make you most happy.

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