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5 Ways to Increase Your Motivation and Achieve Success

Motivation is something that everyone wants to have, but it is something that easily evades many of us. Everyone, at some point, has struggled with maintaining their motivation when they are working toward accomplishing their goals. It’s human nature to want to do what is easy, and achieving our goals can be difficult. Motivation is like a muscle, and the only way to strengthen your motivation is through practice. Here are five ways you can increase your motivation to accomplish your goals and achieve success.


Set Small Goals

It’s great to have big goals and big dreams, but you need first to start small. You can achieve smaller goals over a shorter period and will help you keep your motivation. With small, measurable goals, the end is always in sight, which means that you receive the payoff much quicker. Along with setting small milestones, you have to make sure that the goals you set are measurable.


Develop a Mantra

A mantra is nothing more than a verbal statement that helps to reinforce a positive mindset. Mantras can be extremely useful when it comes to keeping your spirits high and your motivation up. You should come up with a statement that resonates with you. Start your mornings off repeating your mantra aloud to yourself.


Commit Publicly

It’s easy to slack off and lose motivation as an individual. We are all quick to procrastinate, let ourselves off the hook, and find justifications for giving up on our goals. Commit publicly to your goals by sharing them with your family and friends. Not only will this provide a support system for you, but it will also help you feel more accountable for reaching your goals.


Create Routines and Rituals

When it comes to increasing your motivation, it is essential that you create daily rituals that will help to keep you inspired and moving forward toward achieving your goals. Since these rituals can differ from person to person, you’ll need to experiment until you find something that works for you. Whatever daily routine that you choose, you want to make sure that it encourages peace and happiness.


Face Your Fears

Fears come in all shapes and sizes and are one of the biggest reasons why people give up on their dreams. Facing your fears will give you a great sense of accomplishment, and it will allow you to broaden your horizons. You can only get rid of your fears by conquering them, so you should meet them head-on.


If you want to increase your motivation and achieve success, then you should incorporate these five simple ways for improving your motivation into your daily life.

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4 Things That Sabotage Your Motivation

Motivation is an essential part of productivity. When you are motivated, you work faster, work better, and stay happier for longer. Your own habits can affect how much motivation you have. Here are four common things that can quickly ruin your motivation.


You Lack Confidence

One of the most common ways you can sabotage your motivation is by not believing that you can do it. Having a negative mindset can be destructive to your motivation and your work. If you are given a task at work and automatically assume that you are going to fail, you will end up avoiding starting the job for as long as possible. If you want to maintain your motivation, you need to be able to believe in yourself.


You’re Impatient

In this world of instant gratification, one of the main reasons people give up on things is because they don’t see the results fast enough. It is hard to keep putting the same amount of effort into something when the results are immediately evident. Motivation often falls to the wayside if the results of our efforts aren’t seen in a few weeks. To keep your motivation, you have to remember to be patient.


You Don’t Know the Meaning of No

When your to-do list is a mile long, it can be easy to feel unmotivated. You need to learn how to say no to things when you don’t have the time or if you don’t feel comfortable doing it. Being able to say no will allow you more time to focus on those projects that you feel confident about and able to complete. To maintain a sense of control over your life, it’s okay to say no to things. Feeling in control will help you feel more motivated and confident in accomplishing your goals.


You Are Too Easily Distracted

Someone emails you a link to a funny cat video and the next thing you know you’ve spent the last several hours surfing the web and looking for random cat photos. Distractions come in many forms, but most types are harmful to your motivation. Distractions usually happen when you’re overwhelmed, bored, or disinterested in accomplishing your tasks. To avoid sabotaging your motivation, disconnect from the Internet, avoid answering emails and phone calls for a period. This should allow you the time to complete your tasks without disrupting your motivation.


The power to stay motivated remains with you. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can maintain your motivation and accomplish what you set out to do.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Learn and Practice Proper Time Management

Do you have a problem with time management? If you do, you have two main options. One of those options and often the most popular is to continue on with your normal activities. Unfortunately, doing so may have a negative impact on your personal life, as well as your work life. The other option is to make a change. The good news is that there a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management.

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