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Bad Habits That Will Kill Your Motivation

There are thousands of guides, self-help books, and videos on how to increase your motivation, but it doesn’t matter how long you try to listen to the various motivational guru’s, some of the things that you are doing will sap your motivation right out of you again. The following habits will quickly kill your motivation and make it difficult to find it again.


Losing Sight of Your Goals

Whether your goal is to earn more money, lose weight, or buy a house, you can’t forget why it is that you are doing what you’re doing. If you concentrate too much on accomplishing the task itself, rather than the objective you will give up on your goals too quickly.


Being Easily Distracted

One of the quickest ways to lose your motivation is to give in to the temptation of distraction rather than concentrating on the task at hand. There will always be something else that you would instead be doing, but if you want to maintain your motivation to accomplish your job, then you have to leave it until later.


Never Getting Started

Once you’ve made up your mind on what you want to accomplish, you just need to get on with it. It is important to remember that tomorrow never comes and the longer that you put off the task that harder it will be to accomplish it.


Giving into Failure

If you ever want to accomplish your goals, you can’t be put off by small setbacks. If you set a target to save so much money by a set date and you miss the mark slightly, then you don’t quit saving money altogether. You need to reevaluate your goal and make sure you didn’t just set an unrealistic goal in the first place.


Taking Notice of Negative People

You will always run into people who will take pleasure in raining on your parade. The best thing that you can do to keep your motivation is to ignore them. Your motivation is all about what you want, not what anyone else thinks, so don’t let negative people sap your determination.


Boredom can quickly kill your motivation and make you even more susceptible to distraction. Start your day with completing the tedious tasks first and then you will still have the exciting tasks to look forward to toward the end of your day.


Getting fired up is one thing, but maintaining the motivation is something else altogether. Setting realistic goals and staying focused on the task at hand will help you achieve everything you’ve set out to accomplish.

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6 Techniques for Increasing Your Motivation

Motivation sounds simple enough. It is what inspires us to get things done. However, the actual source of our motivation is often a mystery. While it is something that just about everyone feels is important, it is something that we never quite get around to analyzing in depth. As it turns out, six primary types of motivation can trigger you to get moving when you need an extra kick in the pants.



Rewards are simple; the motivate you by promising something you desire if you accomplish the goals you’ve set out to achieve. It is essentially the process of seeing and envisioning your new life with that specific reward that will get you to accomplish what you are avoiding. You can set up a reward system to help you stay motivated when it comes to getting things done.



You can utilize fear, in relatively the same way as you do a system of rewards. While they approach motivation from different angles, the principle behind the two is essentially the same. With fear, however, you envision a future where we have to deal with something unpleasant. We become motivated to accomplish our goals because we want to avoid that unwelcome future.



This is a variant of the rewards technique. Having a sense of accomplishment can be impressive in and of themselves. We are naturally drawn to challenges, so by thinking of the achievement that we can gain by accomplishing our goals can motivate us to get up and moving.



Some of the activities that we participate in can result in us improving in some way merely by doing them. While these tasks can sometimes be difficult, when we see ourselves growing and developing, it can be extremely appealing and motivating.



Sometimes our goals will result in more control for ourselves and increasing the domain that we have over others. This is both a reward and a variation on the growth technique, but it holds its own unique appeal. Many people can be extremely motivated by the idea of gaining more power over others.


Social Factors

This includes the motivation that we might feel to do something that will impress those around us, or avoid humiliation. It combines both the reward and fear techniques, which makes this an incredibly powerful motivation technique.


Understanding these six motivation techniques can help you increase your motivation starting today.

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6 Morning Habits That Will Boost Your Motivation

Keeping your motivation can be a difficult task. If you find that you start your mornings by hitting the snooze alarm rushing through your morning routine and getting to work late, it probably kills your motivation for the rest of the day. If you want to fill your day with positive energy while keeping your motivation to complete your tasks, you’ll want to set up your morning routine first. When you can start following healthy morning habits, you will find you can sustain your motivation throughout the day. Here are six, morning habits that you can incorporate today that will boost your motivation.


Habit #1 – Wake Up Early

One thing that you can do to boost your motivation is to start getting up earlier in the morning so you can start your day stress-free. People who wake up early on a daily basis tend to consume fewer calories, have a better family life, are in a better mood, and can stay productive throughout the day.


Habit #2 – Drink Water

The first thing you should do upon waking is drink a glass of water to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. This is a proven way to improve the efficiency of your digestive tract, supports your metabolism, freshens your breath, and can aid in weight loss as well.


Habit #3 – Remain Unplugged

If you’re someone who needs to check their smartphone immediately upon waking, this habit can lead you to a reactive mindset and naturally tune you into a defensive state. Avoid the temptation to check your smartphone for a few hours after you wake up so you can begin your day with a calm and peaceful state of mind.


Habit #4 – Review Your Daily Goals

One of the first things that you should be doing in the morning is reviewing the daily goals that you set for yourself the night before. These should be goals that you can accomplish throughout the day that move you toward the bigger goals in your life.


Habit #5 – Practice Meditation

Practicing meditation and optimism when you first wake up can help you to relax your mind and body so that you can start your day a bit healthier. Be grateful for what you have and stay positive to help you reach your goals.


Habit #6 – Exercise Daily

To increase your motivation, you have to improve your physical health. Spare a few minutes every morning to incorporate a simple exercise routine. This will help to improve your health, maintain the proper flow of blood through the body, and boost your muscle strength, and can improve your productivity throughout the day.


Practicing these six habits every morning will help to boost your motivation so you can accomplish all your goals.


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