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Personal Stress Management: Relaxation Strategies

It’s a plain fact that only you can help yourself overcome stress and the key to that starts with your mind. Without knowing it, the mind is the initial target of stress since everything that happens in our life is initially perceived and processed by our brain. Learning to control your chain of thoughts and a few relaxation tips can do wonder for your personal stress management.

Relax and say goodbye to stress

The first method in dealing with stress in your own personal way is to learn how to relax. It might not be much, but professionals and therapists agree that being relaxed while in the throes of stress can help you find solutions in getting rid of it. There are plenty of methods that can help you relax, and you can choose one that will suit you best.

Music and dancing

It is true that the music soothes the savage beast, and your mind is definitely savage when under the influence of stress. Playing instrumental music or nature sounds can ease your mind and help you relax. Some would even recommend dancing to the melody of the music to release the tension that builds up in your body. Loosening all those tight muscles can help you relax as well as increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen into other areas of your body promoting a healthy outlet to stress.


The body and the mind are connected. The mind can perceive what the body can feel and vice versa. By pampering your body, you can help your mind relax and put you in a calm mood. Getting a massage is a great way to give your body a break, and your mind as well. Shiatsu can do wonders in getting those tired muscles out of your system which will help you feel balanced and energized afterwards.

Aromatherapy massage can also help you relax. Being rubbed with scented oils like jasmine or lavender can help your mind relax while the soothing massage gently caresses your body.

Meditation of mind and body

Meditation is a great way to reduce the tension that builds up in your mind while under the influence of stress. Originally part of the pagan religion, stress is now being incorporated by many professionals as a healthy resort to stress and problems. Try to find a quiet place in your mind or in your office. You may sit down or lie down. Focus on each and every single area of your body and commanding them to relax with your mind. You might feel slightly heavy afterwards since you are internally focused.

Try to visualize an object or phrase a question in your mind. Focus on it as long as necessary. Fleeting thoughts and scenes will flash through but pay them no heed. After a while, your mind will stop projecting images and you will feel like as if you’re floating in total nothingness. You will feel refreshed after meditation, and you will be ready to face stress in the face.

Physical exercise

One personal stress management technique that can dispel stress is to find an outlet for your mental and emotional burdens. Physical exercise is a highly recommended approach in dealing with stress and is incorporated by stress management clinics and workouts worldwide.

Since the mind and the body are connected, keeping it healthy will have a profound influence in your state of mind. Doing at least 4 times of physical exercise a week can improve your cardiovascular functions and strengthen your heart.

This will help you avoid effects of stress like stroke, high-blood pressure, muscle pains, and so on.

Meditation: A Key to Stress Management

We often see people break down in depression, or incapable of thinking properly in times of great need or problems. These are people who let stress rule their lives, and its never a pretty sight to begin with. The only way for you to be free from stress is to make sure that you don’t let it rule you. Here are some stress management tips on how to relax and rule the problems out of your system.

It’s all in the mind

Our mind is the first to be affected in throes of stress. The harmony of your thoughts can be disrupted if you let your worries and problems seep into your conscious mind and control how you think. Financial burdens, quarrels or petty fights can leave devastating effects on your mind – if this does happen then the first thing you should do is relax.

Relaxing your mind is a great way to control stress but not so easily done. It needs a lot of concentration and willpower to achieve. There are ways to induce your mind into a relaxed state; aromatherapy is a great way to induce a sense of relaxation and can help you think straight. The scent of lavender or jasmine can put you in a meditative state and help you relax almost immediately. You can choose scented candles, incense or oils that will suit your preference.

Meditation is the key to stress free life

It’s almost impossible to find a solution to your problems when you are deep in stress, no matter how petty it is. Learning to focus all your energy in telling your mind to relax can be done through the ancient art of meditation.

Meditation allows you to focus your mind to a single idea and letting other sift away to nothing. Meditation classes will guide you through steps on how to initiate your mind into meditation and keeping it there during times of need. This will allow you to focus on a single thought, like finding a solution to your problem, while letting the worries and anxiety float away to nothing.

Steps to meditation

The first step of meditation is to look for a place of peace. Stress management always starts with serenity and solitude, so you better pick a location that will help you start with meditation. You can pick a room in your house with the least amount of noise or go camp out with nature.

Next, you need to relax by focusing your mind on specific parts of your body. Start with your toes, legs, torso, stomach, hands, and chest. Its best if you close your eyes and let your mind zero in on these areas. Tell each one to relax. Be extra careful not to fall asleep since this will immediately cease all meditative attempts.

Once you have relaxed each and every part of your body, you will feel a slight heaviness. This usually happens during your first try at meditation. After a while, you will no longer feel your body – as if it’s a non-existent part of yourself.

Focus on a question, like a solution to your problem, with your mind. You might notice that some thoughts or scenes appear and disappear like a fleeting memory – keep note of these in passing and don’t focus on them too much since this will defeat the practice of meditation. Imagine like you’re watching a movie.

When you encounter problems that will eventually lead to stress, you can invoke meditation almost instantly. If you practice enough, your mind will instantaneously clear itself of all cluttered nonsense and allow you to focus on how to deal with your stress.

Stress? Deal With It!

Considering that we are living in a fast-paced world, stress is as common as the air we breathe. We have to learn to manage our everyday routines and fight off these problems that will eventually stress us out. But before we can cope with it, we have to understand what stress really is and identify how it can appear in our life.

What in the world is stress?

Stress can be easily defined as the imbalance in our physiological, biological and social aspect in our life. There are many reasons why a person gets stressed – either family problems, financial difficulties, career obligations, or quarrel between friends. Though how minor it may seem, these problems all add up to turn into an inconvenience, and a big one at that.

Incidentally, stress can start from anywhere and can also end in yet another way. Some may start from your body due to overwork or, build up mentally which can affect that way you think which can practically lead to negative results. The first way to deal with stress is find out the cause and determine ways to get rid of it.

Stress Management 101

When you already have an idea on how stress worked your way into your life, there are plenty of solutions to make it go away. Just keep in mind that the simplest solutions to your problems are always the best way in dealing with it.

When suffering from stress due to overwork then you can easily take some time off and let your body rejuvenate. Treat yourself to a massage, or visit your local spa and start pampering yourself. Another method in getting the stress out of your system is to take some time off from your daily routine and take a vacation. Visit friends and relative and have fun shopping or taking some leisure walks around the mall.

A vacation with nature can be a great relief to stress; the serenity and relaxing scenery can do wonders to your mental and emotional state. Camp out and leave your thoughts about work at home, give yourself a break from all those burdens.

Get in touch with your inner child

Indulging yourself with games and sports is a great way to dispel stress from your system. When indulging in sports, you have to concentrate on what you are doing in order to win. This is a great way to divert your mind from your mental burdens and concentrate on the task at hand.

If you don’t plan to go for sports, then go for games. Visit your local game shop and buy some game CDs to your liking, install it on your computer and annihilate alien invaders as if it were your stress. If you have some financial troubles and can’t spare an extra buck on games CDs, then you can browse around the Internet and play Flash games if you wish.

Traditional Stress Reliever

The ancients’ practices do provide solutions to your stress problems. You can enroll for yoga classes and stretch those problems away or go for meditation classes that will train you in freeing your mind from the problems at hand and allowing you to focus on relaxation and peace of mind.

Other methods to help you relax and keep your mind at peace is through aromatherapy. Inquire around shops for various scents that can help you relax. You can go for scented candles or assorted incense that will help you in your stress management.